horsedrawn wagons being a common model railroad scenery item this might be of interest,


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With horsedrawn wagons being a common model railroad scenery item this might be of interest,

Uncovering the reasoning why most carriages, wagons, coaches and buggies have smaller wheels in front and larger wheels in the back. Building and restoring horse drawn vehicles often delves in to designs, functions and why's. This is a bit in the designs of the front axle steering and why wheels are sized like they are. Thanks!

Interesting to see some hefty woodworking! I was taught that a rasp was a bodgers tool, and that metalworking tools ( hacksaw and files in this example) should never go near wood -and as for using an engineer's vice...! But he gets good results and there are so few people doing this sort of work, so we probably shouldn't quibble. But the old-time wheelwrights (as described in George Sturt's superb book) will be spinning in their graves...
To see the definitive wagon builder - a true master of his immensely hands-on craft, take a look at Mr Engels over there in Montana and his epic workshop. It contains many tools that you may never have known existed, and he applies them with the most consummate skill and artifice imaginable. Youtube is your friend here, Folks.

That video on the water wagon is fascinating and amazing.