How does one built streamlined Passenger cars

My caboose was built using a thousand or so coffee stirrers from three different providers - they cost me a big fat zero.

AFAIK, nobody makes passenger car kits for standard-gauge models in any of our preferred scales. In any event, the trucks for anything you might eventually build are going to cost, so are the couplings.

The caboose was built using the excellent plans from Garden Railroad magazine - they even give you the size of wood to buy. The metal parts like balcony end rails and so on came from Ozark Miniatures, truck are a pair of Accucraft, but Bachmann are just fine - you are not going to see much of them anyhow. The rest is up to you to do yourself - like this -

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actully my plan was to make a box car and customize my newqida cars (i already adjusted them to fit around tighter curves) but plans keep changing because of many factors outside my controls and the workshop is STILL not ready and its too cold to do anything in there right now

My caboose could have been built on my kitchen table - no large hand-tools were used, let alone any kind of power tool.