I found this in a cow shed!All done!!

Three days off and the weather changed and outside work that was planed was cancelled so some more done on this little project,a new load of wood and hungry bars made up for the tender,balsa dowels in various sizes either used as full round logs,halved and quartered,the base of the old wood load was a template for the new one and the sides made higher,under cab details now in,pipework,cylinders,firebox and brake hangers on both sides,the large gap and lack of detail under the cab is going away and looks a lot betterTRANSITION2 013.jpgTRANSITION2 002.jpgTRANSITION2 015.jpgTRANSITION2 007.jpgTRANSITION2 011.jpg,the pics were taken quickly yesterday afternoon between the showers so sorry about the quality and the tender wood load is not quite in the correct position!;)that plastic log heap just had to go:clap::clap::tmi:
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The loco and tender went into the paint shops for her new livery,workaday black and white trim,I wanted a sister engine for the Indy 2 6 0 so a black paint scheme was always on the cards,no lettering yet as the old lady may just sport a number as some more tweeking to do and second coats needed on some parts,the pilot will need slight modification as it hits the railhead at the base of grades,some plasticard in the area under the fixing screws should give the clearance needed of a couple of mm,still needs a crew and possibly some cab interior detail as its pretty sparse in there,bell and whistle ropes to be added but the whistle needs some holes drilled, the window glass also removed as when done will be fully weathered and I want an old engine appearance,the rattle cans for the dirt are standing by,some other items to do at the same time. NEW PAINT 010.jpgNEW PAINT 002.jpgNEW PAINT 007.jpg
Thanks all for the kind replies,I hoped to get a lot more done but other things got in the way but managed to get some numbers and lettering on this morning,the old no 9 was retained,class and roadname on the cab sides keeping it simple.A thought came to me,why not get the Indy out of the box for a comparison and see what was needed to finish off the loco,couldn`t remember where I`d got to on the bash as its been so long,its not worth starting another thread so took a few pics of the two together,checking the Indy over and they both need the same jobs doing to finish them off such as bell and whistle ropes for an example,the Indy has new coal with hungry rails,rear light conduit,sunshades,rivet details,undercab pipes and cylinders added and numbered and lettered.The comparison pics show the difference quite well of what a few decades of locomotive change took place,wood to coal burning,wooden cab to steel cab,gone is the diamond stack and so on,the plan now is to get both done together.:clap::clap:I found a second engineer posing as a fireman I when opened the Indy,result!!Jjust the firemen to source,,Glendale trip and some LGB items? OOPS,just noticed the tender wheel off the railhead!!!!!!:banghead::swear::swear:INDY COLUMBIAN 015.jpgINDY COLUMBIAN 008.jpgINDY COLUMBIAN 010.jpgINDY COLUMBIAN 007.jpgINDY COLUMBIAN 006.jpg
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Finally got around to start the weathering,light and dusty is the order of the day,some shiny parts such a brake pistons need re touching,bell and whistle ropes need putting on but the holes are drilled,the bell needed turning to the firemans side and the crew need toning down before fixing in,nearly there now:clap::clap:.WEATHERING 009.jpgWEATHERING 017.jpgWEATHERING 018.jpgWEATHERING 008.jpg
A couple of hours this morning saw this one done,bell and whistle ropes on and used a picture hanging eyelet for the guide,silver paint added to the moving parts of the air pump and brake pistons,some oil stains to some of the axle boxes,a little rust on the damaged pilot and a few other places,just here and there and it looks like she has a steam leak on the whistle seal!!,crew are velcroed in so can be removed when the loco goes back in the box,,,now on to the field and Indy locos:cool::cool:finnshed 003.jpgfinnshed 004.jpgfinnshed 005.jpg
A total transformation - nice work!
Thanks all for the positive feedback:clap::clap:
