Too much of a good thing is nearly enough.
maxi-model said:4) GSC for sale page - No cost but a limited, though deicated, "market". Also, as a newbie, do I really want to get publicly beaten up over the price and my reasons for using this site.
I dont think you would get any 'public beating's for using the GSC sales section. Occassionally people join one day, sell an item free of charge, then never use the forum again which I personally find distasteful but it is not against the GSC rules. I suppose this does give us first chance at something so there is a bright side.
Back to Ebay, I have sold a vast number of 1/76 model buses over the years to fund my G Scale loco purchases. I had well over 2000 at one time and most sold satisfactorily and even with the costs the end prices were higher than a dealer would give me. The only exception were the Dinky Toy repaints, wonderfully done in my mind but it isnt something Dinky collectors want. Prices struggled until a sale of just one on Ebay to a dealer in Cumbria resulted in a decent offer for all the remaining ones. Just the thought of making up one big parcel instead of a myriad of littles ones clinched the offer. Without Ebay I would have never got that offer.
Of course I found one or two of the idiots that plague any site ( including one who sent a cheque then gave me Negative feedback for not yet recieving the model two days later, before his cheque had even arrived as he sent it second class...Ebay responded well, removed the feedback and refunded charges ) and most paid by PayPal and I have not had any problems with them to date either.
I dont like the idea of Ebay reaping in all that cash whilst actually doing so little work, but I regularly go and look for LGB and general G Scale etc to see if any bargains may be around and actually enjoy the time spent as much as I used to enjoy Swopmeets.
Likewise I would rather LNER ran my local trains with ancient slam door carriages but still find travelling by Air Conditioned National Express better than driving!