I thought LGB track was tough

To be honest, unless it's part of a very long piece of track, I'd be inclined to just scrap that bit of rail.... OK, you might not want to waste a 4 foot length, but if it's just a 2 foot or 1 foot piece then I'd recover the sleeper bed and the one good rail for possible re-use if you find another damaged length anytime, and put the bent rail length into the "spares box" for cutting into short bits at some point.
The suggestions of cutting the whole thing into two short track sections either side of the bent bit are also good.
I don't think you'll ever really manage to get that back into the correct shape, and the time and hassle spent trying would (for me, anyway) outweigh the cost of getting another length of track to replace it.

Whatever you did to it ..... Don't do it again!
Whatever you did to it ..... Don't do it again!
As mentioned in my original post all my track is secondhand and I was cleaning it prior to laying it down for my very first G scale railway. It wasn't me, honest officer!

I will just leave it to one side and deal with it after I've laid the main circuit as I think I have plenty to do that.

Still intrigued how the damage was done by the previous owner but the mower sounds like a good possibility.


Yeah, I'd just pull that rail out and use it for short sections but I've got spare 6ft lengths of brass rail so not so easy for someone that may only have set track.
As mentioned in my original post all my track is secondhand and I was cleaning it prior to laying it down for my very first G scale railway. It wasn't me, honest officer!
I will just leave it to one side and deal with it after I've laid the main circuit as I think I have plenty to do that.
Still intrigued how the damage was done by the previous owner but the mower sounds like a good possibility.

Remember. No heavy hoof daft horses on the right of way!
Yep, definitely no daft horses! Smart ones know not to step on the tracks...... ;):rofl:

The elephants should be OK though. :D

My concern isn't what is going to tread on my trains more what is my locomotive going to drive over?

The local ants seem to have a death wish and casually stroll along the top of the rails.

Sarah Winfield
My concern isn't what is going to tread on my trains more what is my locomotive going to drive over?

The local ants seem to have a death wish and casually stroll along the top of the rails.

Sarah Winfield
I occasionally get what we sometimes call Money Spiders on the line, but they have good jumping abilities and always appear to be off the rails in time.

Oh dear are we venturing into nature watch?
Dump it.
I too am the type to repair, not waste, etc.
Cut it into a smaller piece that matches lgb geometry, if you must.

Itll never be right.
Why integrate a possible trouble spot into your ROW?
The rails ARE too tough, and as mentioned , its been stretched.
Not worth the aggrevation it will likely cause, versus the cost of even a new piece.