If the L&B can do it.....

Drummond said:
Coo er um gosh, that's a good loco. One to aim for, methinks. Mine is black, too- well, the bits I've got to date....thanks for all the add ons, now I know what I'll have for Christmas!!


Curiously, I have a strange intuition that Mel is getting a black Lyn for Christmas too.... :cool:
tagorton said:
Shucks Tom. DJB produced the loco. I just modded and tiivated... Anything I can do can be done. By yer average modeller. Once one can drill a hole in the right place and put thread in it then that is about it....
Good point Tag, but the thing is that your 'mods and titivations' are just perfect. That's the clever bit - I'd probably do too many or too few m's and t's resulting in a loco that just wasn't quite right.

Still, I've got the photos now, so I know what to aim for! :bigsmile:
Splendid effort Tag, really very very nice.

Makes me wonder if Accucraft should make a Black version of Lew in the second production batch for non prototypical FR type titivation? Or would the Southern livery win in 100% of all cases?

Happy steamings,
yb281 said:
tagorton said:
yb281 said:
Mmmm, really like that. Nice job Tag. You've got me thinking about my Bachmann Baldwin now. :thinking::thinking:
In BR livery?
Yes, it's already black. Seem to remember seeing something similar recently in some magazine or other? ;);) :bigsmile::bigsmile:
I posted this a while ago, Mel - my Lyn is undergoing this style upgrade as you write! Not by Geoff though, by myself with custom decals made by Mocco.:thumbup:


Picture by kind permission of Lightline, Geoff Munday
Well Nige, mine won't be quite as perfect as Geoff Munday's superb work, but I think it will look pretty good - Chris Moxham is really skilled at doing custom decals, mine won't quite be BR.....;)
That does look good Neil. From iPad in Telford beefeater for garden railway market tomorrow. I have started to get my ear bent a bit about livery - but I like it and obviously so do you:)
tagorton said:
That does look good Neil. From iPad in Telford beefeater for garden railway market tomorrow. I have started to get my ear bent a bit about livery - but I like it and obviously so do you:)
Tag - I think your loco is absolutely superb and I just love the livery - it is a real inspiration! I have just done my Pooter satin black and my Ragleth/Owain before that - and now it looks like Bertie is going the same way......
Chris Bird said:
tagorton said:
That does look good Neil. From iPad in Telford beefeater for garden railway market tomorrow. I have started to get my ear bent a bit about livery - but I like it and obviously so do you:)
Tag - I think your loco is absolutely superb and I just love the livery - it is a real inspiration! I have just done my Pooter satin black and my Ragleth/Owain before that - and now it looks like Bertie is going the same way......

Can't beat black! Today I completed working trials on 'Florence' ? had a leak from my half inch pressure gauge converter fitting (quickly sorted) otherwise fine. The boiler seems a tad more flexible than that of my 'Edrig' and the water gauge is the best I have ever used on this size of locomotive. The loco was a pleasure to run. Didn't take pics when running but will do so when the smokebox door plates arrive. You may well notice that the spec plate is now glazed with ACME Engineering inserts. This really makes a difference and is easy and cheap to do.

The loco is now more or less complete. Note the driver in this head on shot.

Now at the risk of being Insulting not only does your locomotive look fantastic but so does your signal! May I ask where you got it from? I'm building a gauge 3 line so will need signals

It came from Pramod Agrawal in India ? but I understand the kits are available here.. I will check from where.
JRinTawa said:
Oooh that looks so nice - please stop tempting me so!
OK Last post John. The loco now has shed plate and smokebox number. The safety chains have now been changed for blackened ones courtesy Steve Jackson. Only thing left to do on this photo (it is done now) is to hook up the whistle chain in the cab. Will be running at Buckfastleigh on Sunday...
Ooooh! That's properly lovely Tag, I think that's possibly your best yet (or a very close 2nd to the grubby Merlin 0-6-0T). The new coal fired smokebox gives it a very LSWR vibe. Spot on

Will have to come down and see it when the days start getting a bit longer. With the cold I bet you've had some great atmosphere testing it- how is the L&W doing?