Individual motor starting voltage adjustment.

Rhinochugger said:
MMmm, I think I must be a bit simple.

I thought analogue was two wires; one directional switch; and a speed control....................................

Yes a bit simple. What you have described is more DCC!
Analog has so many complications involving diode and relays that its amazing.

It all helps to make our enjoyment better.

So chose whatever system and complications that meet your requirements (and understanding) and enjoy!

p.s. I have recently decided to learn a little Dutch / Flemish. If you think DCC is a 'black art' then I invite you to join me!

Ik ben Don
Errrrrr so did I..... but I now have constant lighting, diodes to drop off 3.5 volts so that my trams don't start at 3 volts and I've put .22uF caps across the motors to kill commutator "hash'..... Now I can crawl along in 1st notch with headlamps ablaze!!!! but as I used all analouge components I guess its still just that:rolf::rolf::rolf::rolf::rolf: