Introduction and Newbie questions

Hi Chris,
I've read the restoration of the Hesperus and the youtube videos multiple times with great interest. It's your work on the engine and Marc Horovitz's fantastic write-ups of the old engines that've inspired me to take the leap of faith and snag the Pooter when it became available, despite my lack of knowledge. As for the engine itself, it looks little or very gently used. The wicks are still white and there's a little bit of surface dust from what looks like being on display. I just hope the parts all work when I finally run it.
Welcome to the wonderful world of meths fired Roundhouse ownership! I am also in the states (greater Seattle area) in a group the has a number of Roundhouse meths burners including no less than 4 Old Colonials.

My preferred method of lighting is to use a barbecue lighter and tip the loco away from myself and slip the lighter underneath. It works a treat on my Dylan and Old Colonial.

potboiler said:
Hi Chris,
I've read the restoration of the Hesperus and the youtube videos multiple times with great interest. It's your work on the engine and Marc Horovitz's fantastic write-ups of the old engines that've inspired me to take the leap of faith and snag the Pooter when it became available, despite my lack of knowledge. As for the engine itself, it looks little or very gently used. The wicks are still white and there's a little bit of surface dust from what looks like being on display. I just hope the parts all work when I finally run it.

Hi J - and it's nice to know that I might be partly to blame for this purchase! it looks to be in superb condition - but remember that those wicks will be made from a nasty material (that happens to work extremely well!). Take precautions of you decide to handle them.

I think a bench test on blocks is the best way to start. It is possible that the piston glands may need re-packing with a whisp of PTFE tape.

If all runs well, then a priority will be to swap the radio control for 2.4ghz. This just means unplugging the receiver (in the cab?) and plugging in a new one. I just use the cheap Chinese sets (Radio link here in the UK) and they are great.

Good luck
Hi, J, welcome to the forum. I would recommend that you attend one of the major steamups here in the US. The next one is in Sacramento, California July 17 to 21 ( or Diamond Head next January on the east coast. And there are a few others during the year. Take a look on MLS large scale event forum ( for ot...erwards. Safety First! Good luck!
Thanks Railfan for the heads up on the safety issue. Seems like you need to take extra precautions with meths fired engines. So it wouldn't be advisable to have another live steam locomotive pass a meths fired one? Good to know that since I was planning to eventually set up my track so one train waits at a siding while another one passes. Thanks everyone for all the great info. I will definitely look into attending one of the steam ups.
potboiler said:
So it wouldn't be advisable to have another live steam locomotive pass a meths fired one? Good to know that since I was planning to eventually set up my track so one train waits at a siding while another one passes.
Personally I doubt if this would cause any problem.
I believe the safety issue concerns fuelling/refuelling. It is unwise to do this when another steamer with an open flame such as a "pot boiler" loco is close by as any fuel spillage could be ignited by the passing train before it had chance to disperse safely.
Before I fill my meths fire loco I will wet the area under the loco with water, since this will immediately dilute any spilled meths and make it non-flammable. After you get used to firing a meths loco there are fewer spills and fires anyway. A simple spray bottle with water will put out a meths fire quickly.
Not fueling any engine where a passing engine with an open flame is good practice. Espicaly fueling a gas fired engine on a siding with a meths fired one passing is a sure fire way for a flash of fire. Cheers Mike
potboiler said:
Thanks Railfan for the heads up on the safety issue. Seems like you need to take extra precautions with meths fired engines. So it wouldn't be advisable to have another live steam locomotive pass a meths fired one? Good to know that since I was planning to eventually set up my track so one train waits at a siding while another one passes. Thanks everyone for all the great info. I will definitely look into attending one of the steam ups.

It's ok to have the locomotives pass one another. It's just not a good idea to be fueling when another live steamer is passing by as Neil and artfull dodger pointed out. And, Steve's hint was a good one!