I've been planning the garden track . . .

OK, so you need more room, gotta extend the garden I suppose

Actually there is room in the garden. If the lower inner loop is extended to where the 4 green bushes are the length gets a fair bit longer - hence less steep.
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I was thinking that, but then it may end up a bit too symmetrical - but then we're back to compromises, and where do we want to compromise :worried::worried::worried:

Another dilemma like Canadian Pacific's Big Hill :devil::devil:
Cross overs on the flat would be fun! :eek: :giggle:
If you re-routed the tracks like this, it may give room for a more gentle grade - and still work, I think :think::think::think::think::think:

It's in a .pdf, so you'll have to open it :nod::nod:


Nice one - got your lateral thinking hat on!
Nice plan for scenic interest and train running, but under the heading of "been there, will do it differently next time", how are you planning to access the track against the house for maintenance? My first, last and so far only, F scale railway was right up against the house and after a while, bending over to reach the track or engines that always seemed to stall on the back straight was literally a pain.
Nice plan for scenic interest and train running, but under the heading of "been there, will do it differently next time", how are you planning to access the track against the house for maintenance? My first, last and so far only, F scale railway was right up against the house and after a while, bending over to reach the track or engines that always seemed to stall on the back straight was literally a pain.
Hole in the wall - Seeemples :cool::cool:
Cross overs on the flat would be fun! :eek: :giggle:
I have two 30° crossings either side of the station about 16' apart. It makes for intetesting operations but not advisable to take your eyes off the game for too long!!!
You could eliminate some high grades if you put a 90 degree crossing in instead of the bridge. It seems like you want the grades in their though?
(I would be worried about loco motor issues and maintenance with grades that steep. And more worried about the down then up!)

That is a great way to get a lot of loco running in that space however! (And I like to see trains run more than I like watching plants grow)