"Jack" in Garden Rail magazine

Thanks Chris, how tricky was it getting the Slomo? Have worries about being charged a fortune to just get them into the Country. Yes the Jack Chassis is pretty much the Standard beast and has a Slomo listed. Though I will have to ask Terry about my Stanley Steam Tram, but it does look pretty much the same as my Jack.

Stop press have emailed Terry, decision made to try to get two. I would still be interested re Import Duties that your friend got hit with. But whatever, they will be worth the outlay I can see by the better running. May even be able to create a 2 Loco Live Steam Timetable with them on my Line.

Good decision Jon! There is normally a lead time for Terry to make them and you will be charged VAT on the value and shipping plus an £8 Royal Mail handling fee. This didn't happen for the first few that I bought but did on the last one and the guys at the sorting office told me that they had really tightened up. As long as you budget for it, it comes as no surprise.......
Great little loco, nice video, lovely realistic sound - all I would expect with a Leeds leading! (Leeds Leads is what they used to say in my early days!).
I will have to ask Terry about my Stanley Steam Tram, but it does look pretty much the same as my Jack.

Stop press
have emailed Terry, decision made to try to get two. I would still be interested re Import Duties that your friend got hit with.
As they say, two come along at once...
I too have been in discussion with Terrym and ordered a Slo-mo for my Stanley.
Stanley is essentially built on a Billy chassis, the measurement under boiler to frame being the same.
Perhaps ours will come in the same batch, around March.
As they say, two come along at once...
I too have been in discussion with Terrym and ordered a Slo-mo for my Stanley.
Stanley is essentially built on a Billy chassis, the measurement under boiler to frame being the same.
Perhaps ours will come in the same batch, around March.
Hope so JonD
Just heard from another member of our local 16mm group, that his two Slo-mo's (Darjeeling and Jack) slipped under the VAT radar.
Moving to slow for the radar to pick them up perhaps :giggle:
I know...hat, coat, door :think: