I have been collecting some of the W. Britian figures for a possible future 1/32 scale US Civil War era trainset I would like to build.
I might never build the train!

but the figures and cannon models are really nice.
I have been collecting some of the 1/32 scale cannons, to place on a flatcar:
31066 - American Civil War 12 Pound Napoleon Cannon No.1
Amazon.com: W. Britain 31138 American Civil War 3" Ordnance Rifle No.1: Toys & Games
I have purchased 6 of the cannon over the past few years, to place on flatcars.
and I have General Grant:
31079 - Union General U.S. Grant
Right now they are just being stored..
my plan is to scratch-built a 1/32 scale Civil War era Mason 4-4-0, such as this:
With a military train of flatcars, for the cannon, and perhaps some boxcars.
I dont know if I will ever build the train!

but its on my list of possible future projects.
The main issue with these figures, which has already been mentioned, is that they are *small* for G-scale overall.
They are 1/32 scale, which is the smallest of the "G-scale" family of scales. (using the term "G-scale" in the generic sense to mean "several scales between 1/32 and 1/20.3 that run on 45mm track" - the term "large scale" is better to refer to the "family of scales that all run on 45mm track)
They are really too small for *most* G-scale model trains..
They will fit 1/32 scale and 1/29 scale trains just fine, but they will be noticeably small for 1/22.5 and 1/24 and definitely too small for 1/20.3.
Of course, you can always adopt the "close enough"

theory of model railroading, and choose not to care!

but just be aware, they are on the smaller size..
(Edit and correction: I just noticed that W. Britian actually says they are 1/30 scale! Which is very slightly larger than 1/32. There wont be a noticeable difference if using 1/30 scale W. Britian cannon and figures with 1/32 scale trains..but 1/30 scale makes them very slightly larger than 1/32 scale, and closer to 1/29. In reality, they will be a fine match for any 1/32 or 1/29 scale trains, but still on the small-side for anything else)
So, im a big fan of W. Britian, I think their models and figures are very nice, and IMO reasonably priced for the high quality and detail.
I have been very into the US Civil war history in general, and the US Military Railroads of the Civil War in particular, for many years..
I have all the books!
I dont know anything about the King and Country figures..never looked into them.