Leader 0-4-2ST, new live steam loco from Accucraft

corgi said:
KeithT said:
A v nice little loco but the pony truck looks to be a very toylike afterthought.:-
Surely they can make it look more convincing.
I would concur with this statement.
The pony truck on the model is quite an accurate representation of the pony truck on the full sized loco. Perhaps we should send feedback to Kerr Stuart? (Along with a wish list for new designs....:admire: )

Happy steamings,

Even though of all of us on here, I probably live nearest to the Kerr Stuart Works, I shall refrain from offering to go round to offer your suggestions.

Sea Lion said:
The pony truck on the model is quite an accurate representation of the pony truck on the full sized loco.

Do you know if the pony truck is to be sprung or weighted in any way?
I'm thinking of running over sprung "push through" pointwork.
MRail said:
Sea Lion said:
The pony truck on the model is quite an accurate representation of the pony truck on the full sized loco.

Do you know if the pony truck is to be sprung or weighted in any way?
I'm thinking of running over sprung "push through" pointwork.

Looks like a spring in the photos in John's post #2.....on the first page.
Fellow burnt fingered people, from this day forth let NHN be addressed as Hawkeye ! :D

Said spring spotted from a height of 500 feet appears to have a screw up the middle, presume possibilities for adjusting the weight on the pony truck if required..

Happy steamings,

This is all a bit Inspector Morse!

Said spring and pony truck on Excelsior (I grant Leader may well NOT be the same), really only controls the lower end of vertical movement of the pony truck i.e. how far it can drop, the bolt is 'shanked' so is not adjustable without the use of spacers (washers).

In fact there is a second identical bolt for the front pivot on the truck. Changing the spring would certainly be an option.

I use sprung points on my railway (4off) and I had a problem on only one point (and only in reverse), and that for some inexplicable reason had a stronger spring on it, now sorted and no further problem.

P.S. there is also enough space to add weight to the truck.
Sea lion.

Can you please tell Acucraft I?m not happy at all!!! Not only have they produced the first engine I would buy from them ( not having a go at their models at all!) but I will be in a position to get one in Jan.... tut tut tut just when I was happy with my fleet.

will be avail in black?
hornbeam said:
Sea lion.

Can you please tell Acucraft I?m not happy at all!!! Not only have they produced the first engine I would buy from them ( not having a go at their models at all!) but I will be in a position to get one in Jan.... tut tut tut just when I was happy with my fleet.

will be avail in black?

Yes, so annoying isn't it! Just when you thought you had completed your collection. I think the interesting thing over coming years is going to be the "creativity" of manufacturers in trying to come up with something else to annoy you year after year.

I'm quite annoyed because I had said I would only collect IOM stuff personally, and yet I will find it hard to resist Leader. That'll teach me to go suggesting things!

Yes to Black, and Blue, and Light Green, and Maroon.
Happy steamings,

bobg said:
I had a problem on only one point (and only in reverse),
P.S. there is also enough space to add weight to the truck.

Well, I guess the problems would only be in reverse!!
With the possibility of adjusting spring pressure, and of adding weight, it's looking like Leader will suit the MR.
Now off to speculate/count pennies.

Thisd is the area I was referring to ( I often dont know my left from my right ask the wife about me giving directions!) Its enough to put off at least one potential purchaser , at least until I see one in the flesh.
Cheers Garry.
It would appear that as many Excelsoir parts/jigs are to be used for Leader as possible.


Still not sure what Garry doesn't like about the cab arrangements, unless it's the positioning of the reverser. There is little reason why it shouldn't be repositioned a little further forward, with minimal modification, a couple of new holes and shorten the reach rod. That might then make it a bit more difficult for the manual chaps. The cab shape is much the same as a full size Brazil.
Mm, that would likely take up the space for the servo in the side bunker, Bob? Possibly the reason for the reverser being there.

Some full size ones are just as badly placed......
It would undoubtedly make things quite tight in that area, but I think there is a few mm to be gained. The other problem there is that is where the lubricator is at present, but that would move aside a little too. Like all these things it has to be a compromise. Space over access is never easy.
Indeed Bob, I have been struggling with just that for ages, with Mr GHWood's 2-6-2T conversion of a Lawley, someone nameless GHWood) put a trailing truck where the batteries and receiver are meant to go!

Got there in the end though.
And unlike me you don't have 7 1/4 fingers for working 45mm!

bobg said:
It would appear that as many Excelsoir parts/jigs are to be used for Leader as possible.


Still not sure what Garry doesn't like about the cab arrangements, unless it's the positioning of the reverser. There is little reason why it shouldn't be repositioned a little further forward, with minimal modification, a couple of new holes and shorten the reach rod. That might then make it a bit more difficult for the manual chaps. The cab shape is much the same as a full size Brazil.

You are right BOBG, as many Excelsior parts as possible are being used, it is this fact (not needing to tool as many parts) that makes Leader the lowest cost prototypical live steam loco in this scale that I know of. As ever this is a compromise but we are talking about an almost "half price" loco compared to many other offerings.

I guess if someone wanted they could make a replacement beautifully crafted reversing lever with a round polished steel handle and catch lever. First I guess someone should check a picture of the prototype :admire:

Happy steamings,
