
So, I inherited a bunch of G-scale track from a now deceased G-scaler, and am in the planning stages for building my own G-scale garden railroad from this. Amongst the track components is a piece having 3 components fastened together, a 1015U, a 1201 and a 1203. See attached pic.
I googled what each of the pieces do, but as a trio I’m baffled as to what collective function they have. I also saw this trio of components sold as a unit at a recent G-scale train show. What especially puzzles me is why a switch machine (1201) is attached without a turnout. As configured, I would say that when a train passes over the 1015U, it throws the switch on the parallel track, but I fail to see why that would be useful.
So, I’m looking for enlightenment over this contraption. I would appreciate your insights.

So, I’m looking for enlightenment over this contraption. I would appreciate your insights.