LGB 55060 MTS PC Interface - Massoth Equivalent

Gizzy, with regard to the the "end game" question, here is a video of the layout.

It is set up once a year for the Christmas season and then taken down. Each year I add a little bit depending on what Santa brings me.

It is not overly complex but does have some switches, sidings, etc. I typically run two trains in opposite directs but also have 3 other "locos" which are specialty Christmas items like the Christmas "Fortuna Flyer" and Christmas Hand Car

What I would ultimately like to do is have a programmed routine that would do some starting and stopping of the locos, some track switching, sound activation etc. When people come over to look at the layout now, I do this all manually with the 55015. I would just like to hit the Go button and have things run automatically.

I will post some pictures of the layout.
The layout.






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Hullo John,

the graphic diagram programming is done by 'drag and drop' as per most windows programs. The LGB MTS software was developed by Stellwerk and is therefore similar, although with later additions. I manage quite happily on MTS 2 and the 55060, but I will be looking at setting up a Massoth system and Stellwerk for my friend Normal at some point.

I use a couple of MTS Loco Remotes for driving trains and a Universal Remote or the MTS-PC track diagram for changing points and routes.

I might even consider upgrading to a Massoth 1200Z myself one day, although I find their handset overly complex, compared to the simplicity of MTS remotes. It's a multi-task handset, and while I know how to drive 2 locos and change points with one, I find it a 'faff' to change through the menus to get to the functionality you want. Easier for me to have a handset for each train and one for points!

I'm a bloke and I can't multi-task....
Hullo John,

I can't see your pix in post #22. Might be my PC though....
Very nice layout!
Slightly (very) jealous you can find that much free floor-space AND that you are allowed to use it!

I was able to use the drag and drop.

The issue is that I do understand the point of the diagram. What does it do once you create it?

I see the "Processing" icon, but it is not intuitive how to use that create program commands. I have deduced that the "program" is what they call a "Schedule" but other than hand editing the commands, I cannot see how you use the diagram to create any commands. Further, It is not apparent how to invoke the program (Schedule) to run once you have created it.

I apologise if I am driving you crazy with these questions.

I am only using the Demo version of Stellwerk Easy but I thought that was the full version exept for the limit of 2 locos and 4 magnetics
That was new for this year. The Queen decided we needed new furniture in the living room. The cat (now dead) ruined much of it and so we cleared out the living room. While she is pondering what to buy, I have a small window of opportunity to leave the layout up and work on the automation. I think I can hold her off to February.
I see now that you can control the layout from the graphic. Right and left click the switches,etc. I see the loco controls, etc.

No I just have to figure out how you load and execute a Schedule.

Loading a schedule is greyed out for me.
Hullo John.

I have been out for the last few hours.

You seem to have moved forwards whilst I was away.

I am assuming you are running a demo programming and that is how you have deduced how to change points. So you must be in the Running mode to do this.

There is also a mode for creating your layout using the drop and drag I mentioned earlier. As mentioned previously, I am a little rusty, but if I get a minute later in the week, I will familiarise myself with MTS PC and update you....
Ahhh, I figured out the schedule thing. You have allow schedule control in the initialization settings.

Now on to switch routes. I keep getting this nasty error message "false symbol!" when I try to select the destination of the switch route.

A few more hours of pain and I should have it!
Ahhh, I figure that one out too. I see you have to put both start and destination switch route symbols on the diagram first, and then select the start and destination in the switch route definition. Bless you Herr Scwartz!
So are you sorted now John?

Or do you still need help....

I hope you are well and the blighter of the garden has not left you any mounds.

I am generally OK with the Stellwerk. I have been around low level comuter interfaces throught the years but find this softwae and the correcsponding hardware to be less than friendly.

At the moment, I cannot figure out how to trigger a switch route fromthe graphic.

A bigger question is to confirm what I believe to be disappointing news.

Is it true that track senors have to wired to a 55070 and then the 55070 has to wired back to the central MTS controller?

If I understand it correctly, you can connect a 55070 to another 55070 (Or any bus port) and then connect the final 55070 to the central station. In this manner you can connect multiple 55070s in a path around the layout?

Also, I see Massoth has this product: https://www.onlytrains.com/model/trains/8170001.html

Can I assume that it replaces both the 55070 and the 55075 and can be used with an MTS III ?
Sorry John, I'm not familiar with the 55070/75 device, as I have never used them. Looking at the linky you posted though, it does seem that the Massoth 8170001 can be used in place of, and instead of the 55070/75 on an MTS system.

I use the MTS-PC software as a signalling panel, rather like the 'Power Signal Boxes' we have here in the UK.

Here's an example near my home in Cambridge;


I'm not aware if you have a similar panel type signalling system in the US....
John, Gizzy,

Have either of you ever tried to program a Massoth 8170001 using the LGB Univresal Remote 55015?
Sorry, no I haven't John....
The LGB 55075 and the Massoth 8170501 are Train Detection Modules (Current Sense) connected to either a LGB 55070 or Massoth 817001 Feedback Module and from there to a Central Station.

LGB 55070 & Massoth 817001 Feedback Modules are for connecting to Track Contacts (Reed Switches), then to a Central Station.

LGB 55070 can act as Master and/or Slave and can be daisy chained to the Central Station.

Massoth 817001 can also act as Master and/or Slave, OR LBG 55070's can be connected up as Slaves, daisy chained to a Central Station.

Added bonus the Massoth 817001 has the ability to work as a wireless device( add in board) to communicate with the Central Station, with additional Modules as above.

Just a very brief outline and description to assist you on what's available.


I purchased the Massoth 8170001. I have 4 Massoth 8420601 Track Contacts connected it to it. 1a and Ground, 2a and Ground, 3a and Ground, and 4a and Ground.

Question. When I put a volt meter across any of the connections, e.g 1a and Ground, I get a steady 6.5 volts. When I pass the magnet over the contact, the voltage goes to Zero. After removing the magnet, it returns to 6.5 Volts.

Is this the correct behavior?

I am pulling my hair out trying to get it to talk to an LGB MTS 55006.