I hooked the 4 wires from the decoder straight to the four pins on the motor. I put it on the test track and heard the normal noises when programming. When i put it in the layout, it doesn’t run. Does the original black four pin motor connector need to be hooked back up for the tender to run?
Ok sounds like you may be a little out of your depth here, no insult in that we all have to start somewhere and DCC plus fitting can be a steep learning curve.
Ok so you have a sound board, is this is not a DCC one? To get this working you would need to connect it to the motor power.
A complete rewire of the connections from wheel pickups to motor on the chassis is required, you could use the 4 pin plug but would need to cut the wires to your sound board. Before that cut you need to understand what wire is what. The Terminal block will be your friend as previously mentioned. Post 14 shows you have the right idea.
Do you have an electric Multimeter to test the electrics? You can use this to test what wires do what, remove the plug and test each of the pins in the chassis. 2 will connect to the wheels 1 each side when the pin and wheel is touched, the other 2 will connect to the motor and give in effect a positive reading via the 2 pins. The pins should be the same for each 4 pin plug but I always test to be sure.
If you do not fancy cutting the plug wire, LGB prongs and new wire will connect to the 4 pins in the chassis, I tend to colour code these to LGB standards. Pic below shows code as used.
Post 12 is pretty much what you need to do duplicated in part in pic below, if you use a terminal block as suggested you should get things correct.
Not sure if you would be keeping loco lights, if so these would be powered from a decoder in here.
The pic in post 12 can be a bit confusing, the 6 wires at the top go to an interface that is only oresent in certain board instances. The motor and pickup colours are duplicated with the BN brown and BL blue are light wires.
I think enough for now, see how you get on and more help available if required.