G Scale, 7/8th's, Electronics

Before you let the magic-smoke out..
Connect the four wires from your decoder to the pins on the motor-block. - Do not connect the soundcard to anything at this point.
Make sure nothing is touching the decoder, and test the tender runs back and forth, and in the correct direction. - Hint: If both your loco and the decoder in the tender have the same address: You can put them on the track a short distance apart. They should run in the same direction, and at approximately the same speed.
If all is well, you can connect the two motor/track wires from the soundcard to pick up power.
You may want to wait for someone else to chip in about this. I have an eye problem at the moment, and going through the documentation is presently a problem for me.
Before you let the magic-smoke out..

Connect the four wires from your decoder to the pins on the motor-block. - Do not connect the soundcard to anything at this point.
Make sure nothing is touching the decoder, and test the tender runs back and forth, and in the correct direction. - Hint: If both your loco and the decoder in the tender have the same address: You can put them on the track a short distance apart. They should run in the same direction, and at approximately the same speed.
If all is well, you can connect the two motor/track wires from the soundcard to pick up power.
You may want to wait for someone else to chip in about this. I have an eye problem at the moment, and going through the documentation is presently a problem for me.