LGB Allegra 20220 - first impressions..

Following on this thread - It really needs tidying up a bit, but does show the 'development' of the project!

There is now an 'XLS-M1' decoder:
This is an XLS, with sets of pins on the ends to fit the motherboard in the Allegra!
The original 'kit of parts' was obviously a 'we need to get a product out the door' offering.

Either XLS arrangement will cost you £170 +

With respect to Massoth, and our illustrious retailers, do NOT buy this decoder!
The Marklin product is £65.
It has ALL the sound functions, and the exhanced lighting functions. It just plugs in. You can plug in a Massoth volume pot..
Is there downside? Well, yes, a couple actually. But, I would more than live with them!

There are no 'installation' instructions. - you just plug it in, it will only fit one way!
The CV information has ben compiled by a German accountant, and the translation could do with some work! - HINT: The default CV values are on the back cover of the book.

If you fit the Marklin decoder, you get the sequential station announcements, et al. - They even run backwards if you reverse the formation!

*Help wanted time*
This is the first 'Marklin' decoder I have dealt with. Has anyone decoded enough of the tables of CV's to know what the chuffin' 'eck they are on about?
What I am looking for, is a pantograph up or down sound, and how to allocate it to F3.
The analogue version does not have powered pantographs, and F3 is to raise / lower pantographs. I twould be nice to allocate a sound to this function.

If you like, I will do a photo montage of fitting the Marklin decoder. - It really is easy. though you do need to solder the loudspeaker to the underside of the motherboard in the loco.

One other caveat.. It appears that the enhanced lighting control bus needs all three car connected to work properly. - Makes sense, but I was limited for bench-space.

;) Love the model (on my 'one day' shopping list), and, love the real thing.... shown here at Alp Glum a few weeks ago while I was trying to escape the heat wave in Europe.