LGB couplings

If they are unfindable a piece of Lead wraped round the Round Bit as far back as you can makes an adequate substitute. Or even a piece of flat screwed into the part on top. Acting as a Cantilever effect anything at the extreme rear will keep the hook in place sans spring.
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hi Dunnyrail,
thank you very much for your reply
I don't understand why the LGB coupling is designed as it is?

Surely there is a flaw in its design because gravity will take the hook away from the loop? I realise there is a plastic spring to create an upwards pressure but if this fails the hook will fall thus rendering it useless to hold vehicles together.

Most of you will recall the Triang type coupling where the hook rested on the loop.

Sarah Winfield
yes and if the wheel falls off it will crash, LOL 've had years of success with their couplers with very few failures
Have used (in my very short G Scale existence) Bachmann knuckle couplings and Hook and Loop, I am moving solely to hook and loop, cause they work!!
Yeah, I hate them ;)

...and I hate them even more because they're effective :devil::devil::devil::devil: