LGB track cleaning loco not working

while leds are a nice idea, I simply susbstitued 24 v LGB pin lamps, if, having half brightness isn't an issue.
(awhile back I had a throttle that would jump from 0 to 24 volts, bad pot, -blew the 5v lamps, a couple of times)
throttle has been repaired, haven't blown a lamp since by using the 24 v version. I love lights, but on the cleaning loco, theyre less important to me. I put them in all lights, including roof

thanks for the tip on the components to buy.

fwiw, I have used both blue flashing leds to replace a board issue on an old LGB Shoema track repair loco with blinky roof lights, LEDs directly into the 5v pin holes...!!!!!!!
directly plugged in a red no flashing LED to the 5v pin receptacle on my WPY ALCO . both work, although I suspect that the red LED on the ALCO may be at or past max capacity...yet it still functions after several years......it is VERY bright however.

Lazy, not so much......just tried an "experiment" which has lasted many years thus far.
All LGB track cleaners used 5 volt bulbs, but LGB runs them and smoke units at over 6 volts. Also note that on DC the track voltage does control the cleaning moter as Greg stated, but on DCC the cleaning motor is full source track voltage and the engine speed is controlled by the dcc system, not the adjustment on top of the loco.
I have installed standard DCC decoders in track cleaners and I now have cleaning in both engine directions. This speeds up siding cleaning!!