Lgb track cleaning locos

Think I will need to invest in a track cleaning loco, so going to look for a second hand one. Is there any technical difference between 21670 red and 20670 yellow?
I have two for sale one of which is on fleabay at the moment. Pm me if you are interested.
Mine “fried” several years ago and was fitted with a chip and a relay (so I was told). It worked well for several more years but last weekend suddenly it began to run slowly then “died”.
Ho hum.
I will get it repaired because it is an essential, reaching parts of the layout I can’t any more. :-/
Sounds like the dreaded swarf may have got it.
I would quite like a yellow one.. But I would have to craft a dolly/pony-truck, so I could run it without cleaning, and not wear the cleaning wheels.. :think:
it will indeed Phil. The cleaning wheels just 'coast' when not switched on. ideal as a 'works' loco.
Sounds like the dreaded swarf may have got it.
Sadly, no. I checked tat immediately but there is no swarf.
The loco is, like the parrot, deceased! :-(
Probably needs a new board - not as terminal as you might think. I am pretty sure Mike has done one or two.
Twenty quid?
I had one, yellow. It ran dreadfully bumping and bouncing all over the place making a hell of a noise despite changing speeds. Of course being LGB bits fell off. I was so annoyed and ready to sell it on when I spotted replacement cleaning 'wheels' on a German site. When they arrived and I took the loco apart the comparison was clear, the old 'wheels' (more like hard sponges) were nowhere near round and when the new round ones were fitted all was bliss. Except I never found the bits that shook off :mad:
New bid
Half drunk Phil.