I have two batts on charge. One with the
old style charger with the red and green light glowing when charging and is plugged in via an adapter.
The other is the
newer charger that plugs directly into the electrical outlet socket and has a red and green light glowing when charging.
LATE EDIT: When the charger is plugged in and the battery connected WITHOUT THE WALL SOCKET BEING SWITCHED ON..the charger RED light glows - (obviously back powered from the battery)
I find that the old type is a bit "iffy" when plugged into the adapter and have in fact, had one go off with a bang,!!
I now use the newer charger all the time and retired the old type to the spares "just in case" box.
[style="color: #0000ff;"]I will confirm the light question when the batteries are charged.
[style="color: #0000ff;"]Cannot remember as it was some time ago when I charged them.
[style="color: #0000ff;"] (It's an age thing!)
LATEST FOR INFO 15TH/09 @ 1025
OLD STYLE CHARGER. Finished charging (topping up battery). Green light goes out..red light remains on (backpower from battery) whether wall socket switched off or not.
LATEST FOR INFO 15TH/09 @ 1100
Same as the above comments for the OLDER type.