Live Steam Austrian U Class

The very first LGB U class was grey and had a lower cab roof which apparently is more like the real thing. All their later versions had a higher cab roof. Anyhoo, this is from my recollection so please correct me if mistaken. :nerd:
PS. I think post #2 shows the two cosmetic differences although both painted black.
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If you do find a live steam Regner U Class be warned. They do not run well. I had the Stainz and the Mh6. Bloody awful.

I kept the Mh6 and converted to electric digital track power with sound. I sold the boiler and the old chassis to a guy in Holland.

This is the electric version which runs and sounds very well indeed. 33F0A00E-A6C6-4BD8-9CD3-EF23385C7EE8.jpeg
I think Regner tried to make them a compound like the real one is with a high pressure and low pressure cylinder, which doesn't always work that well in live steam in this scale. I have the TSSD Mallet that is an abomination of an steamer right now. I am going to convert it to simple operation with some enhancements to the burner to keep up with the increased steam consumption and water usage. I will also have a Stainz again soon, I used to have one and other than needing to open the throttle really wide open to get it moving, it ran well. But with such small cylinders, it needed the throttle opened wide to get him moving and first, then quickly closed back down to prevent a runaway, much like the real locomotive. RC helps with this a bunch. I still hope someone else does the U class someday that runs better. I wonder how well the Regner Harz 2-10-2T runs? Here is my old all black Staniz running a few years ago, wish I still had it.
I think Regner tried to make them a compound like the real one is with a high pressure and low pressure cylinder, which doesn't always work that well in live steam in this scale. I have the TSSD Mallet that is an abomination of an steamer right now. I am going to convert it to simple operation with some enhancements to the burner to keep up with the increased steam consumption and water usage. I will also have a Stainz again soon, I used to have one and other than needing to open the throttle really wide open to get it moving, it ran well. But with such small cylinders, it needed the throttle opened wide to get him moving and first, then quickly closed back down to prevent a runaway, much like the real locomotive. RC helps with this a bunch. I still hope someone else does the U class someday that runs better. I wonder how well the Regner Harz 2-10-2T runs? Here is my old all black Staniz running a few years ago, wish I still had it.

Dear Mr Dodger. Did Regner make the TSSD mallet? What scale did they use for it? I have the LGB/Astor one and it is scaled ginormous for it's 750mm gauge prototype.

Yes, Regner made the live steam TSSD Mallet in the early 2000's. Scale is 1:22.5 to match LGB stuff as is all Regner stuff or so I am told. Its a beauty but a big pain in the tail. I am dealing with lots of steam leads, the compounding valve is complete rubbish. I am replumbing mine to be a 4 cylinder simple, adding stainless mesh wrap to the burner to help with both howling and gain some radiant heat boost to help with steam consumption of 4 cylinders directly from the boiler. If it proves successful, I will add Regner's water top up valve set up to my engine.