It's been a while since I posted, doesn’t time fly. I was looking over the railbus again this week, since I'm off work with Flu again.
From this photo, it is seen that the link between the regulator lever and its servo is missing, assuming that the regulator lever normally sits to that side.
It's also apparent that the motion of the servo crank and the regulator are not parallel.
Seems to me that this would provide ample opportunity for this to jam, so this seems wrong.

Can anyone comment, or perhaps post an image, of how the link should look?
Also, what is the range of movement to work the regulator - it's limited by hitting the lubrication oil reservoir.
This servo is inside the passenger compartment, and I presume that this works the whistle. Would this servo originally be configured without proportional control?
I seem to recall that the original controller had two proportional channels, but sadly I don't have that.
Then there's this servo, controlling rotating lever at the back of the boiler. I'm guessing that this is a blower valve - would that be correct?
I have the wire to connect the servo crank and the valve lever, but cannot get it to connect and stay in place.
I'm assuming that this would be a proportional control - would that be correct?
I was hoping to see Scottish Garden Railways at the SECC show this year but spot their stand.
Does anyone have a scan of the instruction manual that they could PM me, please?
I was wondering whether I could test this with compressed air before steaming it?
I did find that hooking up the servos to another receiver, that all three actually work. Maybe I can find a Hitec transmitter on eBay. It's FM on 40MHz.