Magic smoke

To get back on topic:

The regulator is centre-picture..
In real-life, about 2mm square. :nerd:

You’d certainly need a steady hand. Incidentally, mine’s in the post to Tamworth.
Hi Les,
Thought you might have twigged? - With the burn-mark, in the bottom-left corner of the chip..

That is your Rx65c! :D
Looks like you did indeed find the smoke outlet port. Should not be too hard to repair, unless more around it is disturbed.
That is the 'fun' bit... Not blowing away any of the other teeny-tiny bits, with the re-melt hot-air tool.
I have tried applying a normal soldering iron bit to the chip, but they have two pads underneath, which dissipate heat remarkably well. :wondering:
And there it was, gone!


Replaced by something much bigger!

The 'dead' regulator is sitting down on top of the new one, with its 'legs' in the air!
:D :nerd: