Massoth eMotion XLS headlights/cab light blink when running analog

Thanks, Greg!
It is so, I'm happy enough with my oldies. They bring only electrical demands (a few blocks, no big deal) and they are nicely speeding up and slowing down with momentum and break offered by the MRC controllers unlike the RhB beauty as it's currently coded.
I know the RhB Ge 2/4 #205 personally as it were (without Flu we spend every year some months back in the Grisons/Switzerland). I'd like one but sans decoder. The way the one I have is coded makes for coarse motion, 7 or 8 steps (I believe there could be 14) to speed up, seems fewer even to slow down. Accelerating continually (pressing remote triangle button fwd or backward) makes it speed up too fast, slow down too fast, and finally come to a jerky stop. Not impressed with how the Massoth unit has been coded, I'm sure it could be done much better even with the older serial MTS II. The built-in sound would have to be dealt with as well (not all as per original).
Main thing, one decoder equipped loco and 5 others without the dcc-capability ...conflicts, confusion, disharmony.
So, thanks for the encouragement to stay analog along with the majority of my engines.
Hi rentren,
I have a "spare" LGB 2045 Ge 2/4 in very fine condition that is still analog. I'll take some pics tomorrow that I'll send to you in a PM. Maybe we can work out a trade of some sort.
Very interesting, Phil! Wasn't in the forum till just now. So, looking fwd to some more info!
I checked out var&sundry wrt analog vs digital. dcc is definitely a parallel hobby to G scale train running (analog). I doubt I'm up to it (I guess my age explains what I perceive as hurdles to overcome).
When I watch my U40 Zillertal steam engine picking up power and slowly getting going, it looks so much smoother using a throttle/power pack with momentum than the way the Massoth-equipped Ge 2/4 gets going. Of course, programming it properly has much to do with the way she runs (e.g. with ESU XL, smooth). When I run my upgraded Ge 2/4 analog, the same somewhat jerky hesitancy as running it digitally (MTS central II 55005 and Universal Remote 55015).
Would have the 'programmer' for the remote, but it just looks so daunting to me. Then add the questionable hybrid mode, and pretty quickly I am where Greg suggests to go, stay analog, forget about that dcc gear. It's all engines or none to my mind when considering dcc.