Well I decided to go for it and have bought myself a S/H IP engineering Jane. Much has been written about these and the Mamod design they sort of came from. In the early days the Jane was produced for Brandbright then IP sold them themselves.
It?s fair to say these are more known in 32mm circles as these are small engines, and the one I have is 32mm. However they can be converted to 45mm, more on that later.
So I saw her in the shop and as you can see she is.....well.... not looking her best. However for £150 it?s not bad and these engines are so basic most things can be done with time and hand tools. And I couldn?t just leave her there right?
The likes of PPS and Dream steam- who I can?t recommend highly enough) offer all the parts etc so they are fully supported. Indeed my First loco was a Mamod that I upgraded so the frames and body were all that was left.
Another reason for the purchase is that I have a gas tank and burner for it already to put to use. I?ve bought some various bits and bobs and have various things to fit to make her look a bit less toy like. The plan is to fully repaint her and overhaul. The time of my next post maybe a little while off as I?m away with work, but will show the progress as when I can. So here she is:
It?s fair to say these are more known in 32mm circles as these are small engines, and the one I have is 32mm. However they can be converted to 45mm, more on that later.
So I saw her in the shop and as you can see she is.....well.... not looking her best. However for £150 it?s not bad and these engines are so basic most things can be done with time and hand tools. And I couldn?t just leave her there right?
The likes of PPS and Dream steam- who I can?t recommend highly enough) offer all the parts etc so they are fully supported. Indeed my First loco was a Mamod that I upgraded so the frames and body were all that was left.
Another reason for the purchase is that I have a gas tank and burner for it already to put to use. I?ve bought some various bits and bobs and have various things to fit to make her look a bit less toy like. The plan is to fully repaint her and overhaul. The time of my next post maybe a little while off as I?m away with work, but will show the progress as when I can. So here she is: