More figures for the CFR.

Sounds like a good name for a Pub on the CFR? - But not in the Welsh-section, possibly??
It is indeed Phil. The Welsh hamlet is in a teetotal area, it consists of a few cottages, a shop and a chapel(nonconformist). I haven’t decided on a name for the hamlet yet.
It is indeed Phil. The Welsh hamlet is in a teetotal area, it consists of a few cottages, a shop and a chapel(nonconformist). I haven’t decided on a name for the hamlet yet.

I always fancied the name 'Cwm Hither' for a Welsh place name, which is far better than if I ever had a US outline railway, which I know I would have to call The Schitte Creek Railroad..

I always fancied the name 'Cwm Hither' for a Welsh place name, which is far better than if I ever had a US outline railway, which I know I would have to call The Schitte Creek Railroad..

I rather like “Cwm Hither”, David. I also thought of ”Cwm Bach”.
Another batch of figures for the CFR:-
I had a lovely time today painting another batch of figures. The four seated figures are intended for the Hercules, the Hercdogs and the Hercjohn. The standing figures are intended for the two Millie’s.
More shading underway:-

The painting is coming along nicely:-
Time to have a mug of coffee before the final touches.