New Live steam Double Fairlie from Roundhouse

If they did one the colonial export Double Fairlies with bigger cab and spark arrestors I might be interested but I have no interest in Ffestiniog models as all look too short next to G scale rolling stock.
If they did one the colonial export Double Fairlies with bigger cab and spark arrestors I might be interested but I have no interest in Ffestiniog models as all look too short next to G scale rolling stock.
You could always modify one.
Interesting times ahead for Double Fairlie fans with both Roundhouse AND Locobox throwing their hats in the ring. Who will be first with a loco on the rails, I wonder?

Is it perhaps time for a wish thread, where you posit your ideal next in production model, giving the rationale behind your choice?

Was that a moth flying past the camera lens?
I have the electric one in 45mm gauge so probably give it a miss.

Wow! Impressive model and a reasonable price. I had never seen this before. Are you running it on trackpower or have you converted it to battery radio control?

Peter Lucas
Sadly the prototype was not on display on the Roundhouse stand yesterday, but I did see an undressed Fairlee on one of the layouts. Wonder If that was the prototype being given some test runs. Drat why did I not take some pictures?