new mamod

New Haven Neil said:
I was a little harsh there maybe, the chassis does actually look quite substantial (cranks etc) but the support for the cylinder looks very weak to be frank.

I am wondering of that is a pot boiler or a centre flue? There is no clue regarding the burner. That toy safety valve still too, however that is easily replaced!
I had one here. It actually runs very well. My buddy chuck has been improving this loco and it really does look a pretty thing now, with timber lagged, brass bound boiler and loads of timberwork.Th boiler has been moved round to bring the water gauge inboard and the whole thing looks very good. I will get hold of a photograph. Not sure I should put it in the magazine tho' ? it is plated 'Betty Swallocks'... but then he IS and ex Royal Marine...
We had a new one of these down at our club running day last Sunday. It was a new member and he had successfully bench tested it before bringing it to the club. At the club it blocked a jet and then there was troble refitting the silicon tube as the acorn still had swurf in it.
It will be going to another members workshop to have the gas pipe fitted with a copper one.
Still it looked nice and we are all looking forward to it doing a run next month.
The member also had the new Mamod 0-4-0 with its gauge convertable carriages. It literally flew around the track. It will be great when the driver is tuned into it.
He wants a whistle for it. The old Mamods had a whistle,