New Swift Sixteen Well Wagon.


Sorry, I've been out.
Post is £5.50.
Well is 120mm
You can fit other bogies as long as they will fit and turn in between 83mm wide bulkheads.

I have just thought of a competition.
I will offer a prize of one free bogie wagon kit for the person that can fit the most interesting load on one of my bogie wagons ! You can enter as many times as you like. I will add the best pictures onto my website and announce the winner on 1st May 2012. Spread the word :thumbup:
All the best
RobB said:

Sorry, I've been out.
Post is £5.50.
Well is 120mm
You can fit other bogies as long as they will fit and turn in between 83mm wide bulkheads.

I have just thought of a competition.
I will offer a prize of one free bogie wagon kit for the person that can fit the most interesting load on one of my bogie wagons ! You can enter as many times as you like. I will add the best pictures onto my website and announce the winner on 1st May 2012. Sperd the word :thumbup:
All the best
I wonder if I can get one of the chickens or even one of the grandchildren to sit still long enough for the photograph......?
RobB said:

Sorry, I've been out.
Post is £5.50.
Well is 120mm
You can fit other bogies as long as they will fit and turn in between 83mm wide bulkheads.
All the best

Thanks for the info, Rob! Would you be able (or prepared) to supply a partial kit, just the deck and sides minus bogies and wheels? It's not that I'm being cheap, £30 is a very good price anyway and I'd be fine with buying the whole kit, just wondered if it might actually be easier for you rather than having to make a bogie set that will only end up in my spares box......?

I could do everything that is in the main mould for £15 (deck, sides, two planks, two buffers) If that helps.
Well here's last nights work.
First I looked into the bogie issue with R1 points, the pics show the axle with the tighter 40mm back to back to match the Accucraft stock. (Rob supplies them cut for 42mm back to back which is probably better on Peco but I haven't tried that)
As you can see it is possible for them still to ride up if pushed right over but they run through nicely as seen in the video above. Without the shortened axle tube they bumped up several times just pushed through.

and once it passes the check rail this happens
Because I run mostly W&L stock on my layout I thought I'd have a go at widening the deck so it's halfway between the W&L and L&B widths so can run with either without looking out of place.
I used some 6mm square plastic superglued to the sides.

Then I added the sides with the deck spaced up so the new wooden deck sits flush with the sides, (this was the second time as I forgot the spacers when I glued the first side).

I then epoxied the join for strength.

Comparing the supplied, bottom, and my trimmed back axle bearing tubes, top.

Adding the new wooden deck.
PaulRhB said:
Nah you need Keiths chicken if you want something cheep! ;)

I have one that growls!!!&: Scary chicken.
PaulRhB said:
" they run through as well as the Accucraft ones albeit with a bump due to the shallow flange in the lgb deep frog.
Will post pics tomorrow to show it.

Do you get the bump with the Accucraft ones as well as the IP wheels?
oldoak said:
Do you get the bump with the Accucraft ones as well as the IP wheels?
Yes the accucraft wheels also bump through but I've not had any derailments, the large gap in LGB points is fine for their stock as the flanges ride on the bottom but the smaller flanges on the Accucraft and IP drop in a bit. Add the bump to the wider back to back and it's very likely to bounce right over. Keith is still having some problems so I'm hoping to do a powered test pulled by a loco to see if it acts any different.
Ok here was last nights trials, first four are showing my widened version compared to an Accucraft W&L wagon.
then two showing the clearance over the point motor and finally two showing the clearance on the R3 points with my reduced 40mm back to back.




showing the clearance over the point motor


flange cleacance on R3 point

Not had a chance to fiddle with mine yet after narrowing the back to back which only created another problem on plain R3 curves.
We'll get there, eventually.
Progress on my version
Made a simple jig out of a coffee stirrer so all the sideframes went at the same height, oil fillers at the top of the axleboxes.

Reinforced the super glued joint with epoxy resin

Cut all the planks to hide the spaces, shame to hide Robs detail but putting the spacers flush would look weird.

Staining the planks

And finally for today the new bufferbeam overlays, evergreen plastic rod chopped up and glued on then sanded to round off the heads.