Norfolk & Western GP18 Project

Thanks guys!

It`s finally done! All finished! :)

I put the last of the handrails and grab irons on the other day, and painted the ends yellow as they were on the prototype N&W units. The whole thing was sealed off in a few coats of matt varnish. The alcohol wash and chalk weathering techniques I use had reacted quite badly with a previous loco, so I wanted to take my time with this one and really do things right. The instructions for the decals recommended around 4 coats of varnish so I thought I would try and be patient here!

I was very pleased to report that the new Ravell varnish I got from my local hobby shop is actually really good. It didn`t react at all with the wash and the decals remained secure and safe! I`m really happy with this as I have a few things to re-number and re-letter so it`s nice to know I`ve found something which will work for the future.

I finished it off with my usual alcohol washes and weathering powders to give the loco a lived in look of a hard working engine, which is still in good condition and well cared for. All that`s left is just a final wee coat of matt varnish to seal in the weathering and it`s ready to go!

Thanks for following and keeping up with things, it really is a pleasure to share this :)

PS: sorry about the quality of these pictures, I will get outside over the next few days or so and take some better shots of it earning it`s keep! ...and the masking tape will come off too once the varnish is done.



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Actually warrants a 'like' as we do not have stars! - Pity I can only give one..
Definitely a '5-star' job.
So good you could eat it........well only if you were into that sort of excellent job Gav.....and very simply another reason why I keep my bashed/ customised stuff under wraps!
It will look splendid on your line.
I've seen real locos that don't look that good! Great work.
Nice. Really nice!
Awesome work !
You must be very pleased with that Gavin out standing work the weathering is the icing on the cake JUST FANTASTIC :D
Thank very much to everyone for all your kind words and support along the way! I really appreciate all the encouragement as it has been a long project. This was the most work I've done on a single piece of stock to date so it was a venture into new territory for me too, but I'm glad I did take a bit more time over this one as I feel it is a lot more accurate than I have been able to get in the past.

Having complete this I have another few projects in mind so I think its back to the drawing board for a bit of thought and research.... I will definitely keep you posted on the next installement!

Thanks again guys,

Here are some more photos as promised!

We had a lovely day up here so it was a great opportunity to get outside and give the geep a good run.

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Superb job of hacking, cutting, adding and generally making something else into something that you want. This is what the hobby is all about. With the great weathering job this is a Loco to be proud of. Many thanks for sharing your efforts. Inspiration all the way.

My TrainLine 45 better hide in a secret place if it wishes to remain unmodified for much linger!
Absolutely fantastic !
Thanks for all the kind words, it means a lot! :)

Great project,great model,pics say it all,can almost hear the beast, :) :)excellent!