Modelling the Northern half of the Isle of Man
I take exception to both the detail and tone of some of these comments. My father was a civil servant heading up Probation and Aftercare. He was a good man, able and highly respected, having worked in some tough prisons (Reading, Wormwood Scrubs, Wakefield) before moving into the Civil Service. To write off all Civil Servants by denigrating them with such a broad brush approach is simplistic in the extreme. There will be strong and weak performers in all walks of life. He answered to the Home Secretary of the day: Willie Whitelaw, Merlyn Rees and David Mellor. I leave it to you to work out who was the joker in that pack.
Rant over, thread drift over, back to discussing fuel for model trains.
Rant over, thread drift over, back to discussing fuel for model trains.