Peveril doesn't go

My Peveril had some tracking issues with the pony truck, but I think I've sorted them now. I should be doing some extensive endurance testing over the next two weekends, so I shall have a chance to see if mine has a similar issue. Lets hope not...
Northsider said:
Thanks John Saint Jim -I'm in Herts, so may well take you up on the offer: but I think, for now, I need to contact the retailer and see what the state of play is with the warranty. While I have tried to leave 1/4" clear above the top of the steam oil in the lubricator, I may be guilty of over-filling it; so if the warranty claim doesn't succeed, then hopefully a clean out should sort it -and a(nother) live steam lesson learned...
This locomotive is not working so it is hardly a matter of a 'claim'. I have to say however, that, in my experience, some retailers are more proactive than others. If you have any trouble at all then contact Accucraft UK direct ? they won't leave you in the lurch.
All good fault finding proceedure from Daniel. Two things I would add.

1/ You could save a little time with a small shortcut which in some other circumstances I would NOT recommend. Open the lubricator drain (when in steam) and then open the reg. a little, if the lubricator blows itself clear then there is no blockage thus far and you've saved yourself some fidling in tight, finger burning, corners.

2/ If you do discover a blockage in a pipe and you manage to clear it, then before re-assembly, blow through it (with compressed air if you have it. Airbrush pump or can?), to make sure all the rubbish is clear. Just a small point but not necessarily immediately obvious.
The retailer has been excellent and is contacting Accucraft on my behalf, so it's a case of waiting to see what their response is; but I'm encouraged by the positive comments from others on the aftercare they received.
johnsaintjim said:
Definitely agree about talking to the retailer before you do anything else. Doug will be a great help too and he's local to you.

Offer still stands to run it on my railway if you wish (Doug too... :) ). I have some Accucraft locos and it can help to see others in steam and talk to people who know what to look for/listen for/feel for/smell for (not usually taste for)... because we have done it quite a bit. I know when I was new to it all, that really helped me - and still does. Good luck with it.
@johnsaintjim - Hoping to get a free weekday soon!!
IP from Accucraft has been in touch; Peveril is going off to one of their engineers for a de-coke or a new superheater, depending on what he finds. Thanks for all the advice -I'm confident it will get sorted out; then I may well take up the offers to run on some 'foreign' rails...
I've spoken to Ian Pearse today: it seems that, having left Peveril simmering for ten minutes after raising steam, the steam oil carbonised in the superheater. A new pipe has been fitted (free of charge) and the loco should be returning to home metals shortly. I have to admit to being rather embarrassed by having made such a basic error, but can't fault the response from John at Trackshack (who supplied the loco) or from Accucraft; 'blame' has not been mentioned (though it's clear to me that it's mine), and the emphasis has been on sorting the problem out -which has been done, to my complete satisfaction.
Thanks to everyone for their help -and to John and Ian in particular.
I'm looking forward to getting Peveril back -and may take up some of the offers to oversee steaming, made previously...
I've got Peveril back and have given her a run today. She seems to steam a bit differently from before: slower to raise steam, and the burner sounds less fierce (i.e. doesn't roar as loudly). I haven't let her sit round(!) so the safety valve has only blown off occasionally. I think if I turned the gas down she might run out of puff, but she is much more controllable at low speeds than previously.

Thanks to everyone who posted advice: as was suggested early on, Accucraft's after sales support -accessed via Trackshack- was excellent.