So, I asked before, I'll put it another way, can you add more vertical travel to the center axle, both up and down? (up likely being the most important)
Hi Greg - and everyone,
I did not mean to ignore your post, but I am a bit green and not technically as smart as you guys so basically, I was not sure what you meant in your original post. Well looking at it now, if the question is, can I push the axles up and down, the answer is yes, in respect of the middle axle only. Or rather the complete frame that holds the axle has some play in it, and that appears to be the design.
Yes the diameter of the wheels on this thing is significantly bigger than the metal wheels I have available, which are not LGB but have fitted my LGB vehicles (and the lone Chinese open tourist coach) very well.
I think overall though I have to start with levelling out that gradient; it does not derail anything else but my ZB locos tend to wheelslip when going up there. Then maybe metal wheels, although I slightly begrudge having to buy Piko ones. .
I guess I have purchased a Werkstattwagen which has a built-in facility to detect when some Werk is needed on my track Thanks, Piko. Not sure I will be buying any more coaches from you, though.