Problems with the sound function on the LGB 25192 Mogul

There was a period of time where LGB Sound had Capacitors, both Andy Rush and myself had the Brown LGB Mallett with them. Was always amusing when lifting off the Track to have the Loco Hissing for a few minutes while carrying around using up the charge in the Capacitor. Was not aware that they would need a longish period of freshening up. Though both of ours were used on MTS somthat may be the reason that we never had the issues that Swed has. Now at least sorted. If all else fails read the Manual!
Note that the super caps for power storage are in the tender and are only used for sound.
The smoke unit runs from a 6 volt power source in the engine and if more than 1/2 full it will be erratic in operation. Yes, 6 volts as the seuthe spec is 4.8 to 6 volts.