Ragleth Mods


My Ragleth needs some fine touches. Just trying to put some of the mods in one place and find out where they came from.

In particular is there anyone doing a coal bunker for the rear of the cab? Or are the ones Ive seen fabricated from sheet?
Who does the metal gas handles (to replace the awful plastic knob)?
Can you change the regulator handle to a straight one (think the edrig has this)?

On my shopping list so far:
Safety chains-brandbright
vacuum hoses-brandbright
safety valve bonnet-DJB
glass spectacle plates-acme
smaller pressure gauge-acme
lamp brackets-roundhouse

All other mods welcome.

Cyclone said:
My Ragleth needs some fine touches. Just trying to put some of the mods in one place and find out where they came from.

In particular is there anyone doing a coal bunker for the rear of the cab? Or are the ones Ive seen fabricated from sheet?
Who does the metal gas handles (to replace the awful plastic knob)?
Can you change the regulator handle to a straight one (think the edrig has this)?

On my shopping list so far:
Safety chains-brandbright
vacuum hoses-brandbright
safety valve bonnet-DJB
glass spectacle plates-acme
smaller pressure gauge-acme
lamp brackets-roundhouse

All other mods welcome.


I am just completing a Ragleth for Trevor Ridley and will post picks today. Get Vac hoses from DJB - the whlte metal ones will break off.. Gas valve - just take off knob, wind the valve right out and cut off the top where the slot for the knob fitting starts. Drill 1.5 mill hole and bend a bit of piano wire to make brake handle. Fit with locktite. You can fit any sort of handle you want on the regulator. I usually cut off the shaft so there is enough shaft left to fit the reg handle. Paint fittings such as regulator and reverser handle red, leaving just the top or the handle plain metal. Cut plasticard to shape, spray cream then fit on the back sheet with silicone. Locoworks supply painted dome with lined (and slimmer) boiler bands.

I always fit DJB whistle.

pics will sho what has been done and will post later.
These pics a few days old and with some way to go, but you can see the cab arrangements, the Locoworks boilerbands and dome (despite photographic appearances the dome is the same colour as the boiler). Not the cab section of the boiler is pained black and brass bound at the end using one of the original boilerbands. The vac pipe work from the cab is in place, plus handrail and oilers on the smokebox. Some more front end detail is in place but that will be shown in later pics. Note the modified gas handle and the DJB safety valve bonnet. All the 'orrible brass work on the cylinders has been etch primered out. Fair bit more to do with wood floor to be fitted in cab plus driver. Bodyshel should see pics tonight ? also buffer beams.
Got a lot to add to the to do list.
Particularly like the brake handle/gas valve.

I note you've sprayed the smoke box Matt black.
Which paint have you used? Also what red have you used for buffers etc?
Daniel, do you have any pics of how you have connected the light to the battery pack.

I like the servo on the regulator, will have to see if there is room there on a ragleth.
Cyclone said:
Got a lot to add to the to do list.
Particularly like the brake handle/gas valve.

I note you've sprayed the smoke box Matt black.
Which paint have you used? Also what red have you used for buffers etc?

Any red I like to look of on the rack! Have just finished buffer beams ? now about to start on the body shell before re assembly. More pics are threatened later today.
Not the best pics but will give you the idea. The chains etc are brandbright brass and are blackened rather than painted.
Brass blacking. I will get the name and post later when I do the pics. You just make up your chains, bracket and hook and bung 'em in this stuff over night. Dry off and fit. Smokebox I just degrease and use 'coal' paint ? the stuff you use for spraying the ceramic coal in fake coal gas fires...
some pics to date. I am now working on the bodyshell which I will post tomorrow
i really, like that...
Shawn said:
That looks great so far Tag
It is coming on Shawn. This is not my engine and so is a bit blingy for me (I like black engines) and is 45mm using the standard Accucraft couplings. Too dark for pics of the body yet, but I have painted the back of the spec plate Lada cream and cut a plasticard oblong to fit on the back sheet in the cab. A quick spray of Lada cream, some coal dust on the bottom edge and plonked in place using translucent silicone (I use this for plates as well). The coal basket I took off and dug out all the 00 scale coal. I then fitted it to the port side of the locomotive and drilled a hole so that I could have access to the cab filler. Later I will add real coal and leave a hole to access the gas tank. On the other side where the coal bunker used to be I have fitted a brass/wood toolbox from chuffed to bits. Usually I would use the very much cheaper one from Swift Sixteen (3 squid) but this loco is more 1930 style rather than my own late 40s/50s. I have added handrails on the front of the bunker. Locoworks oilers are fitted to the tank front
I removed the whistle casting, drilling through to put a blanking plug over the small slot left after removal. Added a DJB whistle on the port side. I reversed the spectacles because a member of the group did this (tall with ginger hair and a weakness for odd cars ? guess who) and it looked great. Added ACME's excellent glazing.

DJB http://www.djbengineering.co.uk/. R... easier than trying to cover every base...:-)
Brilliant just what Im after.
Very intrested in the modification of the back plate, as I think its a definitely ugly spot on the Ragleth.

What have you used for a blanking plug for the old whistle?

Ive removed mine but i havent done anything with the bracket.
Cyclone said:
Brilliant just what Im after.
Very intrested in the modification of the back plate, as I think its a definitely ugly spot on the Ragleth.

What have you used for a blanking plug for the old whistle?

Ive removed mine but i havent done anything with the bracket.
I remove mine by grabbing with a pair of square nose pliers and easing it out. Then drill through and bolt using a 6BA Hex head bolt with nut and washer on the back of the spec plate. Do up from inside then carefully brush paint. Most locomotives have odd bolts in different places where fittings have been added and removed over the years and this is entirely prototypical. Have a look when I post the photos.

Several things to do today. I need to remove the smokebox again because the vac pipework between cab and smokebox is set to far out from the boiler. I will post how to make this (very easy) mod when the smokebox is off and the pics taken. Have to fit name, number and works plates. These are in red (he is a bu99er for bling), simple lining and fit onto the body. These mods relly bring out what an attractively proportioned locomotive the Ragleth is and I am looking forward to doing my black one in BR (Mixed Traffic) livery to go with my coalie Ragleth which is in plain BR cycling lion black (freight livery). These locos are number in a similar series to the 1:1 L&B loco when the Ffesty painted theirs in BR (Mixed Traffic) postulating what it would look like if the L & B had not been closed. There were several NG lines on the Southern's 'withered arm' in North Devon and I am doing the same with mine....
Took the smoke box off to drop the pipework close to the boiler. If you use vac stands you should have one of these. Make up with 2.5mm brass rod. Bend a right angle 3/4 in for short leg (for the fitting to the smokebox) and then cut a 6ba thread on the short bit. drill suitable hole in smokebox. Use 6BA nut 'n' washer and wind up to the end of the cut.. For the join (where the pipework crosses where the smoke box meets the boiler) drill out the threads of 26ba nuts and slide on with half in of tube between the two thread less bolts. Use glue to fix and then spray paint, covering the threads for protection. Bend to shape with fingers, offer up and cut to lenght about a mill from the spec plate (no one will notice that it actually does not go in to the cab. If you are fussy about this use a reversed top hat bearing slid up against the spec plate and this will look like a pipe connector

You should be able to see the fittings on the cab, but if not the final completed model will show
Great info Tag. I also prefere black engines but this one does look great. I saved a few of those links for future use for when I start working on my Roundhouse Sammie after the summer. Cant wait to see when your done.
Shawn said:
Great info Tag. I also prefere black engines but this one does look great. I saved a few of those links for future use for when I start working on my Roundhouse Sammie after the summer. Cant wait to see when your done.
Next one I am doing is a Roundhouse Alco...