Railway Children Figures


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Picked these Modeltown figures at Llanfair show...............quite charming methinks..............:bigsmile:

I had pictures of Jenny agutter floating in my head!!
Jenny - a couple of years later-
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No sign of red flannel in that picture, or did it go Walkabout?:rolf:
I was expecting your figures to be posed something like this .

An attractive woman when she grew up :love:
They are gorgeous!
Just don't let Rolf see them.....
I heard Sally Thomsett being interviewed a while back. It seems she was actually 20 years old when she made the film but was contracted not to reveal her age. If anyone came on to the set she had to hide her cigarettes and not be seen drinking. Jenny was 17.

I hadn't realised until I read this article that Jenny Agutter had filmed Walkabout before Railway Children - I'd assumed Walkabout came later.

http://www.theguardian.com/film/2013/may/06/how-we-made-railway-children < Link To http://www.theguardian.co...-made-railway-children

I assume Jenny's referring to the electricity pylon in the back of this shot when she mentioned the 'modern intrusion in the background' in the above article

http://youtu.be/Vn4jeFRLv_U?t=3m21s R
ROSS said:
Think that could be "actionable" Trev.:laugh:
You could yet see him sent to Van Diemens Land for the term of his natural life.....