Relatively new with the big trains.

Rob Hopkin

RhB - Rob hopkin Bahn
Thank you for adding me to the group. Hello all, thought I'd introduce myself after messing around with the big trains for a while. I first saw LGB in 1984 and thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, never had the resources or time until recently to get involved. I'd been out of all hobbies for decades and tip toed into N-scale, mostly Kato USA 1950's outline around 2016. I now have a large number of sets and track stashed away in the garage. Then a few years ago I had 9 months working in Germany, evenings spent browsing online and local shops had me hooked on LGB again and ended up shipping all my purchases back home to Spain and have been slowly setting up in the garage for the last two years. Thus far everything very second hand, pre 2006 Marklin, tight R1 curves and turnouts, a few small locos and rolling stock, managed to convert the analog locos to the old MTS digital system. I now find myself spending more and more time with the G-scale and the N-scale is taking back seat it being much easier on my eyes. In fact my two deck garage layout was originally all for N-scale but I somehow shoe horned the G-scale to the lower deck, I'll try to add a few pictures here or the photos section.

This weekend I decided to go large and have bought an older (I tend to buy everything used) LGB RhB GE 4/4 "Klosters" model thats been digitised (No idea what model the decoder is and if it's even compatible with my old style MTS II/III system). Also on the way are a very well used baggage car and restaurant car, should be fun whatever happens and thats the point. My lovely long suffering wife will of course kill me but hey ho. I absolutely love all my N-scale trains but I just struggle to see them properly anymore which is unfortunate but I'm not sitting around waiting for my eyesight to get worse. The plan when I'm next home in March is to box up, catalog and sell the N-scale and set about using the second level for the RhB and squeeze the larger radius curves on the top deck to get some big train experience. Longer term I'd like to build a proper Garden railway, there's rumblings we may be moving from our current place in Spain after 25+ years back to the UK (yes I know it's cold and grey, Spain is wonderful blah blah blah but we're done with the 45+ degrees C heat in the summer amongst other things) so I'm keeping one eye on the Garden railway potential during the house hunt. For now I'll be using the space I have and reading this very mice forum. IMG_4108.jpegIMG_4740.jpegIMG_4760.jpegIMG_4784.jpeg
Welcome to the forum, Rob. It looks like you've made a good start. There's plenty of advice to be had on here, so I'm sure you'll sort your decoder out. Just beware of the humour!
Welcome Rob, you've made a good start there....
Welcome Rob, I am a fan of the RhB too. Great use of the space you have. Look forward to seeing what you do with the top deck. Nothing wrong with buying second hand, every single piece I have bought is second hand. Good way to stretch a budget, G scale can be a bit pricey.
Welcome to the forum Rob, i have LGB in the loft as well as the garden and have been thinking of double stacking for my TT120 layout planned.
Welcome aboard, Rob.
Welcome to the forum, Rob. It looks like you've made a good start. There's plenty of advice to be had on here, so I'm sure you'll sort your decoder out. Just beware of the humour!
Thank you Paul, all advice and humour gratefully received. The more I learn, the more I realise how little I know.
Welcome Rob! I believe I've seen some of your videos on YouTube too. I always appreciate seeing an indoor G Scale layout! You've got a really interesting track plan that makes the most of the space.
Thank you Curtis, Ah, I think you're the guy with that superb layout in Jersey, I've been perusing your excellent video posts about the build. Waiting to see the next instalment regarding power/control, should be good. I'm usually running power and control cables through big boats, will be interesting to see how it's done in dirt and gravel.
Welcome Rob, I am a fan of the RhB too. Great use of the space you have. Look forward to seeing what you do with the top deck. Nothing wrong with buying second hand, every single piece I have bought is second hand. Good way to stretch a budget, G scale can be a bit pricey.
Thank you Grizzmo. Second hand works well with me since I'm not too precious (so far) about my locos and rolling stock. I just run them and they sit on the bench for months when I'm not home. Not sure how I'll be when I start leaving larger items laying about.
Welcome to the forum Rob, i have LGB in the loft as well as the garden and have been thinking of double stacking for my TT120 layout planned.
Dunnyrail, another double scaler like me. So many scales and gauges, so little time. I once had my mittens on German TT scale stuff in Bremen, was very impressed but I'd already star teddown the N and G guage. Always good fun drilling out the top deck for drop wires when the bottom deck is occupied by buildings, and loco's. In retrospect, I'd have done the N scale on the bottom deck and the G scale on the top deck but as usual it was all an afterthought. I find the smaller gauges have a lot more cabling in close proximity together where as the G wires are much easier and less of them for some reason.
Hi Rob, welcome aboard! It looks like you're making good progress, and there's nothing wrong with secondhand! Fortunately a lot of ready to run stuff is well- or even over-engineered, so it will have plenty of life left in it.
Thank you, yes Im finding the older LGB kit very robust and well engineered. Will be interesting to see how it compares with the Marklin Era equipment if/when I get my hands on it at some point in the future. So far zero failures on even my oldest Stainz which was manufactured in 1986 and still going strong.
Welcome Rob!
If you can bear to part with the n gauge, it should generate some funds towards your new, bigger railroad empire.

Hi PilP, yes It had occurred to me there will be a fiscal incentive in downsizing to facilitate the impending re-upsizing. However, I'm likely to experience an interesting psychological, dare I say cerebral dance when in comes to finally handing over some of my existing "toys" to someone else at some point. I might grow up by then so who knows.
Squeak squeak (you did say mice forum) from the grey and chilly little nation. I love that two tier system, I have a single level board for my admittedly cheating HO layout which I seem to have got at exactly the wrong height for looking at or working underneath. When it comes to selling your toys I know that when I sold my G stuff I spent ages kicking myself for not keeping my favourite loco but, as said above, the cash sponsored the new HO setup.
Keep up the good work and especially keep posting the photos - of both scales.
Thank you Curtis, Ah, I think you're the guy with that superb layout in Jersey, I've been perusing your excellent video posts about the build. Waiting to see the next instalment regarding power/control, should be good. I'm usually running power and control cables through big boats, will be interesting to see how it's done in dirt and gravel.
That is very kind of you to say - thank you! Haha, I'm not sure anyone would be signing off my work in any official capacity!