mitchell coe
Its exactly why LGB went to the wall, we have a very limited market even worldwide for either American or european Mitchell
bobg said:Not significant in that small size I suspect, and if it were that could be sorted with new cyl covers with blanking pieces. I didn't intend halfing the stroke, not that drastic.
New Haven Neil said:bobg said:Not significant in that small size I suspect, and if it were that could be sorted with new cyl covers with blanking pieces. I didn't intend halfing the stroke, not that drastic.
Oops, missed that Bob! Yes I suppose that would work - might need to notch the blanking plugs to avoid covering the ports? A bit of a radical solution though!
New Haven Neil said:Bob, you mean steam engines aren't schnurle ported??That's where I have been going wrong! Joking aside, I'd love to experiment with something like that, maybe doing indicator diagams. On the subject of.... have you seen the digital one Station Road Steam are developing? Interesting!
As of Yesterday I have had my re-bushed rods put back on, boiler boxed back up after inspection and steam tested, ready for another seasons work before withdrawal next winter for a heavy 10 yearly overhaul. Must see a shrink as I'm convinced no one really understands my valve gearNew Haven Neil said:I thought that would get your attention, John!