Roll-wagen project

798.03 said:
jameshilton said:
Bruce - I'll bring it over and we can pair it with your 399 for some Waldviertalbahn action :)
Now that I shall look forward to!
Is this allowed on a family forum :bigsmile:
They say 'the devil is in the detail' - well that's a devilishly fine model. :thumbup:
I have a question for the combined knowledge of the forum!!

Where can I get a G-scale (well Gauge 3 I guess?) 3 link, screw link or instanter type coupling? I want to add one to the buffer beams of my standard gauge wagon! :)

I also realised that I'd not shared the photos of the wagon in action directly on this thread, so here are my favourites from the EJ&KLR thread. First up with the 0-8-0WT freight engine 599.01, tagged on the back of a more typically 1950s freight...



And then also with the 0-4-0 diesel hydraulic Schoema VL10 (my latest and 10th locomotive - number 11 is on the way - the kit L45H from Blauturm)...

and one of my favourite shots, showing clearly why I want to add the couplings to the buffer beam :)

All items (bar the roll-wagen) are refurbished and customised LGB models, all painted and decal'd for the EJ&KLR :) It's wonderful to be able to run a complete rake of stock - and when the next two items of rolling stock are finished (the bogie coach and steel bodied brake van) I'll be able to run mixed trains in the steam or diesel era :)
Hi James - GRS in their G64 section - locos & rolling stock .....
The Williams Models version is the one recommended by most of the G3 community James. You'll find a link to a review here;

And a link to Williams (pretty poor) website here;

You'll find the couplings under "components". I've got the GRS ones on my Pannier tank and they're OK, but the Williams ones are both better looking and cheaper.
Wonderful Mel, thank you. Looking at prototype photos it does look like I'll need a set of the screw couplings so will order a set :)
Hi James - screw type - RC1606 or DM 2201 (assembled or un-assembled).
Paul, they are the 37mm ones from a Bachmann Annie/Clarabel/Emily coach. I hope that helps. They literally are WEDGED between the axle boxes, so don't rotate (a positive in this case - so it doesn't roll off in transit), and just clear the bottom of the wagon. I wouldn't want to go larger - they make it look big enough IMHO.
Well thanks to Mel's tip off I placed an order with William's models a few weeks ago and today a lovely set of parts arrived but before I could get a photo out came the file, broach and pliers and within an hour these two lovely coupling were assembled, all ready for some paint and then fitting to the standard gauge wagon...


£10, quite pricey, but nice detail. They might be quite hard to make working as they needed a lot of tidying up to get them like this, and would need more play to be working, plus the coupling hook is quite tight so it's hard to hook in the loop. The screw thread works well though, and the dangling weight is free moving.
I finally got around to fitting the Williams Models G3 screw couplings to the LGB standard gauge load wagon tonight. I also added some brake rigging between the brake actuators - and then all painted matt black (as I don't need the screw couplings to actually work).

I hope to get some running in on the line tomorrow, weather permitting...

Lovely stuff James - certainly both compliments and finishes your wagon off.
Mike has some very tempting goodies in his G3 range.
Good to see you back.
The Faur is performing faultlessly here on the Linz Gstadt Bahn.
How is the HOe Resita coming along ?

Welcome back jameshilton jameshilton , see odd articles elsewhere from you in other scales but miss your G genius.
Good to see you back.
The Faur is performing faultlessly here on the Linz Gstadt Bahn.
How is the HOe Resita coming along ?

View attachment 322837
Wondered what happened to that interesting beast.