Roundhouse Darjeeling Himalayan

Thanks for that..........IKB:( ...........thats Mr Brunel of course.....sorry senior moment! :thinking:
The47King - 4/11/2009 5:16 PM <p>I'm not sure if i love them or hate them :thinking: </p><p>They are definately an acquired taste :cool: </p><p>Tom.
</p><p>And I've definitely acquired the taste after seeing a full-sized one at the FR.</p><p>[img=]</p>
you know, they ARE an odd duck

as a fan of the RAJ and most if not all things Indian and Nepali

and having seen footage as well as pics of the line-with its tiny rumble tumble 2 ft track and the steep climbs through tiny towns -with dogs, uniform clad school girls and the handsome inhabitants of the Himalayas on the right of way

they appeal to me in the same romantic way a C-16, Stainz, Shay or Mason Bogie does for thier particular realms
I have been looking to see if anyone makes a kit for the latter carriages for the DHR. I can't seem to find them anywhere.

Have added a pic from the real thing.
Havn't looked but would like to find out if the Diesel is a kit also...............a little searching due me thinks :onphone:
Not a kit but scratch build published in Gardenrail last year or earlier. Strangely they don't publish a yearly index in their January issues.
I had the pleasure of chating to Geoff Munday who many will know is the the "lightline" man. ( ) When I went up to the steam show at Kew a week or so ago. He had a pic of the beautiful sand coloured "BClass" that NHN has posted, and said the reason for the colour was that the owner uses the "My General manager bougt the loco second hand has had it restored and of course painted it in the railways own livery" great application of Rule 8! I love rule 8 in G Scale. (I assume it was bought brand new and outshoped from Roundhouse in this colour) Sadly he has no more pics on his website but I did find this one.............clever guy that Mr Munday :thumbup:
He also had a rather nice prototypical red/maroon one but guess who didn't take a pic..............doh! :wits:
Would love a Roundhouse Darj but oh, the eye watering price!

This is about the best i can manage;
Flexible coupling darj style...........:rolf:
detail a Roundhouse one, try looking here

for close up shots

& also here

Unfortunately the full-size 19B depicted in those videos bears as much resemblance to a proper B-Class as my washing machine and I would not recommend using it as a guide if you want your loco to look like The Real Things. (Cab too high, no coal bunker extensions, blue boiler, no white stripes, wrong number for "blue" period, etc., are all faults with it) With a bit of work, the Roundhouse model can be turned in to something that really looks the part:
Unfortunately the full-size 19B depicted in those videos bears as much resemblance to a proper B-Class as my washing machine and I would not recommend using it as a guide if you want your loco to look like The Real Things. (Cab too high, no coal bunker extensions, blue boiler, no white stripes, wrong number for "blue" period, etc., are all faults with it) With a bit of work, the Roundhouse model can be turned in to something that really looks the part:
Or you could spend the time just enjoying running it and accept it is not intended to be a perfect replica.