RTM tramways

Welcome back Henri old threads not updated for a while can take some finding. That is why my Build Thread Link has been incorporated into my Signature Line. Not helped by having anything with 3 letters or less in the Title!
Really like the hidden line behind the box woods on suggestion is maybe adding reversing loops at each end. you will probably want to add more sidings and they would be an excellent place to do so, have fun, looks great, Bill
I think i would clear fallen vegetation from point motors? - allows them to dry, in free air.. The leaves etc. would hold moisture.

In our wet, UK climate, I might even cover them with an upturned container? - Still leaving some space for air movement.

A spray of WD40 (or similar) and operate the points a few times, would not go amiss either.

Other than that, if you are not likely to run for a few months, leave things as they are..
Today we had again beautiful weather so I decided to clean the railway. Did remove some overhanging plants, brushed away a lot of junk that had landed on the tracks and got in between the point mechanisms, got the points working again and cleaned the tracks. The Backer & Rueb made its first meters and it ran flawless! A picture or it didn’t happen!
