Has anybody built and used any British looking semaphore Signal Kits ? Looking to start with a kit to get details sizes etc. of the various bits, then I will probably make others based on the kit I buy.
So far found the Roundhouse kit, I assume you could actually animate these kits as well as adding an LED to them , are there any other current kits that you know about ?
Not sure how many Home signals I need yet, to cover three stations and two return loops, I know narrow gauge didn't always use signals but a railway without them just looks odd to me The ones made by LGB would work and do come complete and working, at a cost so using them will be out
So far found the Roundhouse kit, I assume you could actually animate these kits as well as adding an LED to them , are there any other current kits that you know about ?
Not sure how many Home signals I need yet, to cover three stations and two return loops, I know narrow gauge didn't always use signals but a railway without them just looks odd to me The ones made by LGB would work and do come complete and working, at a cost so using them will be out