Semaphore Signal Kit

Started making my first test signal still a bit to go but it's started, base drawing done.


Started to convert the various parts into a 3D model and print them :) will change the material they are made from when the design is finished.

Interesting Weekend and I seem to have spent it all playing with a 3D printer :rofl: Got my prototype signal just about sorted , Printed a short post with a hole down the middle for the wires :) not sure how well it would work with a 300 mm post, might have to think about that one, waiting for some half round beads to come to fit a glass to the light. I need to find a better LED as mine have the resister at the LED end so the wires won't bend.. then reprint on best settings with a few minor adjustments then decide what filament to print it in. Next bit is deciding how to make it move just with the manual lever or power it..


Will you be selling them at all?

Long way from thinking about selling them , still tweaking bits to get them easier to assemble and Print, a printed ladder so far has been an utter disaster :giggle: and after I have got it all working as I want it too, I then have to tweak it all again no doubt to get it to print in something other than PLA.
Long way from thinking about selling them , still tweaking bits to get them easier to assemble and Print, a printed ladder so far has been an utter disaster :giggle: and after I have got it all working as I want it too, I then have to tweak it all again no doubt to get it to print in something other than PLA.
OK, they look pretty good so there's probably a few of us who might have bought some.
Version Mk 2...outside to see what it looks like Mk 3 now being worked on.

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