Signal Box Interior Fittings

Miamigo259 said:
............. The ones I have encountered in Europe, particularly the German style (and by default parts of Poland etc) are completely different in appearance and operation. I've got a picture of the inside of Wolsztyn box somewhere (which was Wollstein when it was built), but the computer is on a go slow at the moment....

I'd certainly like to see that pic if/when you find it.... in the meantime, a quick bit of Google-Fu located this, which has a useful pic partway down the article...

The levers in that box look MUCH more complicated than the typical UK ones, and would be harder to model but not impossible.

Anyone else got any good pics of the inside of German/Austrian/Swiss signal boxes, for example? Especially narrow-gauge examples?

Found it - not that it is a particularly good scan of a slide....


Short levers that rotate 180 degrees around a central axis.

I`ve been in a few other signal boxes in Europe, but didn`t bother taking any photos!