I just love this little thread, all the little bits of nature that it encourages makes it feel good to be alive.
Last night I attended the AGM of our major Park in St.Neots and it pleases me to see that it will be bidding for Green Flag Status, barely a 5 minute walk from where I live. In fact the Park that Barney gets his 2 square walks a day in.
The first image is from that park and sets the start of a little theme of life making it through. This Oak has been in this state since I moved to St.Neots around 4.5 yeats ago now. The rest of it is so badly rotted that in the recent dry weather some youths set fire to it catching the attentions of the local Fire Brigade. But just look, leaves are starting to appear again and some Fungus can just be made out on the left.
The small conifers were planted in my most recent Rockery last Summer and these two have not fared too well. But as you see lots of dead conifers in the Harz Mountains I decided to let them stay. Now look green shoots on one of them. Amazing.
That ends my little theme and we now move onto my largest Bonzai.,this was one of the Shrubs in my old Garden at Hemel. However it was in the way of the proposed Railway so it was dug out and potted up. I have ever since Bonzaied it this way cutting all the new growth out of the trunk and concentrating the leaves on a selected few branch ends.
This year it has created Fruit from the insignificant small yellowish flowers, the remains of which can just be seen at the end of the fruit.
Many plants in the Garden just now are the type that come up wrapped in a packet and emerge Alien Like from John Hurts Stomach into new life. Though in these instances a beutiful flower rather than an angry Alien. The one below emerges into the multipled flower in the image after. I displayed this one last year and am gratified to see it return this year.
Chives in my Herb Spiral are now in full flower, I expect for long term harvesting of the chives I should have been using them to stop the flowering. But I rather think that they are a pretty little flower and the colour matches the bulb on the left shown previously rather well.
This little white one surprised me last year by appearing for the first time, sadly flattened somewhat by yeaterdays rain it still looks good with the purple of the other plant just starting to flower. The little white ones have been popping up in other places as well so I must be doing something right for them.
Another plant about to just explode into bloom. These yellow ones will flower for a month or two.
A couple of plants in the Rockery, close up the deep red is just starting to come out from buds on the right. Middle some white flower is taking over from the die back of last years flowers.
The residents of Glaseburg must be overjoyed to look at these Flowers in the long wait for the next train. A shrub that pops out both in front of, above and behind the baseboard. Life does indeed find a way in some of the most inhospitable places as here in the dry below a wooden baseboard.
Another one of my favourite ball type bulbs, only just now emerging next to the yellow poppies shown recently.
Last but not least my mini potted Azailia in fill bloom. This little beuty has been in this pot for around 16 years and never fails to please each year. Semi Bonzaid it gets a modest feed of liquid fertilizer a couple of times a year.