worn out with rebuilding my railway- wondering if it is worth it... then saw your clips and i know it certainly is! Thanks for posting...
And Bob - I think (hope!) you will be pleased with the result ........ Cheers Chris
I've just ordered one for my "Countess" well as a couple of other useful things, like an extra 3rd/composite coach, so nice shiney boxes later this week.
bobg said:Well! The Chuffer chuffed, and Chuffer's chuffer (chauffeur) was chuffed, very well chuffed indeed. You could say; Chuffin' 'ell!!!
I had great fun on my long bank trying to hold Countess with three Pickerings, just above a stall, so I could count the beats. Magic sound! Chu.....ffff...........chu....ffff..........chu.....ffff........... :love:
Pity I couldn't record the sound and attach it here.