Synthetic/Plastic wood.

You get a Synthetic bonfire?

Wondering if this stuff in T&G form could be cut into short lengths and joined to replace the rotten log-roll wot I got and used to hold up my railway.

You would need a fairly substantial thickness, I reckon.. - It won't rot, but will tend to bow, over time, with the pressure from the infill.
You would need a fairly substantial thickness, I reckon.. - It won't rot, but will tend to bow, over time, with the pressure from the infill.

Which I was intending to remove, mostly. Many of the heights are in 'small' inches though there are a couple of areas that get to a foot-ish. It should stand strimming and the odd bash from the mower. Getting the tops to match could be a bit of a challenge. Prob'ly need to get half a dozen lengths and give it a try. The grey (cheapest) should look Ok.