Taita Gorge Railway

Today, my wife insisted that I spend some time in 'the Train Garden', she didn't want some of the trees getting away on us.

If it was too tall, it got lopped down to size, if it looked ugly, rubbish bin. If it was dead, then arborative surgery to revive it (that spelling mistake didn't work, so abortive surgery was the answer).

By product of all this, some 'new' views

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Old #1 in the log siding.
The Taita Gorge Railway has survived a M7.5 earthquake overnight, and numerous aftershocks, one as big as M6.8, and lots of M6.2's.

Edit: Geonet have upgraded it to M7.8.
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Glad you all survived. Sounds like a big one!
The saga of the lighting failure on my Cable Car is documented elsewhere. So, I'll just keep a 'file copy' on my home page, enhanced with some of the new photo features available on my 'poota.

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I've used the Vignette feature. Gives that old fashioned fuzzy edges effect.
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:):):) Thank to Muns, and his Garden Rail Outlet, My O&K is back in normal service. Good price, excellent service, and a pleasure to deal with.