The Boxcar Project


Baker, Modeler, future husband
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Does anyone recall the boxcars I'd purchased off evilBay a few months ago? Allow me to refresh your memory...
There's the brown Boston & Maine that came with crappy wire grabrails, a melted brake line, bad trucks & couplings, and needed some paint touch ups.
There's the orange Santa Fe Refer with flimsy rubbery grabrails, a broken brake wheel, a repainted catwalk, and the same couplings.
Finally there's a blue Virginian which all around is a good boxcar, but it doesn't fit my theme.

The plan was to replace all boxcars' couplings & trucks, replace grab rails on the B&M and SF along with the brakelines, paint where needed, and reletter the Virginian.

Today, after a few months of doing nothing, I finally started the process.

The B&M is done! Well, almost. The step that goes on one end of the car is missing still. I'd ordered it along with everything else and they sent me the wrong piece.
Before & After Pics...
6-24 (7).JPG
Ultimately, with this car, I replaced all the grab rails along with the brake rod and wheel. I touched up the paint on the catwalk as well as each step at the corners of the boxcar and decided to paint the door handles on either side of the boxcar as well. The trucks are from my USAT boxcar. They work for now but I'll need to get a few sets of good trucks for the other two cars. All this car needs is the step that goes next to the brake line on the end of the car.

All I really did to the SF boxcar so far is take it apart and paint it. I also painted the catwalk black instead of the grey it came as. It looks much better!

Ultimately this refer will become a B&M Milk transport. Technically it's the wrong style for the reference photo I am using, but I'm okay with that.

I haven't really done anything to the Virginian yet. I'm trying to scrap the lettering off, but it's not going very well. I may just paint over the whole thing with a similar blue, though I was really hoping I wouldn't have to repaint that one...
Thanks, but now the black paint is scratching off. I may need to start again...
Having repainted quite a few varying types of G Scale Wagons/Coaches and Locomotives a Spray with a Rattle Can using an Undercoat Spray first cannot be beaten. I would use a Grey for a Black Start or most colours, but Red Oxide for any reddish based colours. A white undercoat is also usedul for anybother really light colours such as creme.
As much as my limited experience with painting B'mann rolling stock may be...
I have painted numerous Bachmann freight car kits over the years, and haven't had any problems such as the ones described here recently.
My good fortune may be due to the rather inexpensive "Rattle can" paint I have used. I simply go to Home Depot, Lowes, or even Walmart, and purchase the paint there. All of the freight cars I have painted were painted in with one of the following; Iron Oxide red/brown primer, a green primer, or a grey primer. This gave me a flat finish, which resembles paint that is slightly weathered.
My only preparation before painting, is to submerse the cars in warm soapy water, using dish-washing liquid soap; brushing lightly, then rinsing well in warm water. I let the cars dry well for a few days, before painting. I do NOT prime with any other paint, I just use the paint I want to finish with.
I know that Decals are better applied to shiny surfaces, but I gave up on them years ago, and just use a Brother Label Maker, which is fine for my needs. The label maker can produce a fine product that will fit well in the letterboards of the B'mann passenger cars. I do not model any railway other than my own, and we are a rather "Cheap" bunch of blighters, and only require a number and reporting marks on our equipment !!
BTW...when working on the Bachmann equipment; it is mostly cast from Styrene, and is easily "Welded" using lacquer thinner or need for that clear liquid in miniature bottles at $5 a crack. I gave up on that stuff called "Uhoo" or whatever...
I just did major repairs on a POLA proved to be made of Styrene...and the lacquer thinner worked great on it too.
Fred Mills
After a long while I am finally able to return to my boxcars!
I have decided to make the ex-Virginian boxcar a simple process and just cover the existing lettering with new. So, I spent last night and this morning creating my decals and then test-fit them on the car. Thoughts?
Once I order the decals the lettering will be white on the blue background. This car will also be weathered eventually; so it will look old and re-purposed.

I have finished my Pan Am boxcar as of this morning. I had some issue with the decals getting lost in the mail. But, after a wonderful interaction with Del at G Scale Graphics, he sent me a new sheet and I have been able to finish this car. It's not perfect; but for my first time creating and applying decals, I am happy.
This car also got a new brakeline (see the nice brass rod on the left!), a quick undercarriage paint-job, and the trucks were touched up. I may also repaint the grab rails black. They have blue paint on them in part.

EDIT: Oh! And I need new Kadees on this car. The springs are failing on these guys...

Reviving an old thread.
After all this time, I still haven't finished that ex-Santa Fe refer. I'm working on stripping paint from it still (almost done!). Then it'll get primed, painted, and detailed out.

In the meantime... shortly after I'd bought the lot of 3 boxcars off eBay, I also bought another single boxcar. This one was a wood-sided Penn car. I've been working to get it repainted and detailed. The idea is that it is a privately-owned boxcar for my current bakery. So, decals have been printed and the first coat of paint has been sprayed. More to do today...

1) What the car looked like when it arrived to me in 2019.
2) Scrapping off the decals with an Xacto (in direction of wood grain)
3) after the first coat of paint
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